Tuesday, October 25, 2011

~Oct. 25, 2011~

So, everything is going really well! We have 6 investigators right now and one has committed to baptism (of course these are not for real but this is what we do in the MTC so that we can learn). My companion and I teach really well together. We have a perfect balance of life experiences and knowledge of the gospel. The elders in out district will be leaving next Monday for Zimbabwe :( We are very happy for them but it is going to be really sad! We have all decided that we are going to write through out our missions and then when we get back we will have district reunions :) We got to go to the Temple again today. It was so wonderful! The Provo temple is so small but there are so many people that go through a day. Since it was out last P-day as a district out entire district did a session together. What is really sad is that the elders in our district will not be able to go the temple again for a long time, since there is not one in their mission.

So, one of our investigators name is Matt (it is one of our teachers pretending to be someone else; otherwise known as role play) and he has been really hard to teach. He wouln't really open up and share things with us. When we would ask questions he would give one word answers and so it was just really hard to be able to know what he needed. Well, last night we taught him and he finally opened up and shared with us some of the things that he is going through. The Spirit was so strong and I was able to share my conversion story with him. I was crying (of course :) ) my companion was crying and Matt was tearing up. Then he told us that he wasn't sure what he believed and I just flat out said, "Matt I think you do know, you do know that the church is true." Then he told that he did!!!!! So, cool!! Such a powerful experience!!!

I can't wait to actually share the gospel with those who aren't members and have them say that to me!!! I know that the Lord lives and that He wants nothing more then for His children to make it back to live with Him again. I feel so blessed that I have this precious gift and can't think of anything that I would rather being doing then sharing with the Lord's lost sheep. I hope you are all doing well and would love to hear from you!!! You do not have to write me a letter if you don't want to. If you would rather email you can go to dearelder.com and send me an email through there. Don't worry if it takes a while for me to respond because I will have to respond via a hand written letter, but I will respond as soon as possible. Keep the faith and know that the Lord loves you :)

Sister Elizabeth Armstrong

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

~First Email~

The MTC is going so well!!! I love it here and and so happy to be here. We have lots of classes and fun firesides and teaching time. I love my companion Sister Steenblik. She is from Spokane, WA!! How fun is that! We have been having so much fun. We are going to the temple here in about 15 min with our district. Ok, my district is the greatest! We all clicked on the first day! We eat together and pretty much do everything together except sleep haha.

We have six Elders and four Sisters. Which is quite rare. All of the Sisters are going to Temple Square and all of the Elders are going to the Zimbabwe Herare Mission. They are English speaking so that is why we can all be together. So we have Elder Toomer and Elder Stewart, Elder Whyler and Elder Nelleson, Elder Mitchell and Elder Cloyd and Sister Kurtuz and Sister Dotterer. So, both of these sisters are the ones that my friends had told me about and then they ended up being in my district! So, there are three districts in our Zone and we are the only Sisters.

We are getting a whole new district of Elders tomorrow so that will be exciting. We currently have three investigators here that we are doing role plays with but it seems very real. They have classrooms set up with couches and we start from the door approach. I find it so fun to get to know these people and then to share our special message! We have Annika who has committed to come to church and to pray on her own. We have Matt who has also committed to pray and we just met Randy yesterday and committed him to pray as well. Tomorrow we will meet a less active member and teach them.

Out teachers are amazing! They all have gone on missions, of course, but are fabulous teachers. There have already been so many amazing spiritual experiences and I can not wait for more. I know it will not always be easy but it sure is fulfilling. Thank you for all the support and all the letters that I have gotten so far. I would love to hear from anyone and everyone! So, if you do not want to hand write you can email me at dearelder.com and then I can hand write you back. Only because I am not allowed to be on dearelder.

Friday, October 14, 2011

~MTC and Mission Address~

My address for my Mission will be:
Sister Elizabeth M. Armstrong
Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission
50 West Noth Temple St Rm BSVC
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-1006

~Dropping Elizabeth off at MTC~