Wednesday, April 25, 2012

~April 23, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing this week? Well, it has been another great week here at Temple Square! I wanted to share with you that I get to stay with my wonderful companion for another 6 weeks! How lucky am I?

Well, Thursday was a day full of miracles. The biggest ones happened within the first few hours of the day! So, I received a voicemail from a lady who called in and said, " I would really like to learn more about Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon. Please call me as soon as possible." Well, I did just that!

We called her on Wednesday night and she was busy so we made an appointment to call the next day. When we called on Thursday she told us that the missionaries had come over to her house. We explained to her that we did not send them because we had not talked to her yet and that they had been inspired by God to go to her house and visit her. Well, we taught her and committed her to baptism right away. She accepted and also accepted to go to church this Sunday! She was supposed to have met with the missionaries last night so I will keep you updated on what happens! But, I just know she is so prepared!

Well, then we hang up the phone and find this other lady who has investigated the church before but her husband didn't approve. Well, within the last two years she has lost her husband her daughter (he left, not sure about the daughter) and really her life has been out of control. So, she just moved and wanted to find good people who could help her get back on track. The amazing thing is that she has grown up Baptist and everyone has told her that Mormon's are bad and what not but she can't believe it. So, we called her and taught her right away. She also committed to baptism and we even told her about the word of wisdom it is a commandment from God to not smoke. She then asked, "Will you help me to quit because I really want to but it is really hard."

I was so humbled at that moment and said, "Yes, we will do all we can to help you." It is amazing to me that people are so prepared by the Lord to receive His gospel! And that they turn to us to help with things that are really hard to do.

I know that there is no way we could do anything that we do without the help of the Lord and His Holy Spirit. I feel amazed to know that I represent Jesus Christ and that right now I am His hands. I strive everyday to do the best I can to fulfill that role and calling that I have been given. I want you all to know that the Lord is mindful of you and if you ever wonder if that is true please get on your knees and ask Him, He will answer! Have a great week and keep smiling!

Love you all!

Love always,

Sister Armstrong

On a side note: Sister Armstrong is still serving as a District  Leader for a bit. She is enjoying training and having the leadership opportunity at Temple Square. She has not (as of yet) had her second mission call. Hopefully, her mission plaque (in the PV Ward) has been ordered as there has been some delay :) in getting it up with the other missionaries of our ward!

Monday, April 16, 2012

~April 16, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!!

How are you all doing? Well, it has been another great week here on Temple Square! I am very attached to this place! The Spirit here is amazing. Everyday I feel so lucky when I walk onto the Temple grounds and know that this place has been dedicated to the Lord. Everyone that comes here member or not can feel the Spirit. They tell us there is such a peaceful feeling here. I love it!

Well, there have been so many things that have happened this week but the miracle I want to share with you all is about a man named Miguel. He is 22 years old and grew up Catholic. The missionaries have taught him before but he never progressed. He just didn't want to put for the effort to learn. Well, recently he has decided to learn more and the Elders in the Salt Lake City mission have been teaching him. Well, he was at a point were he was having doubts because his family was upset that he wanted to join the church. So, the Elders brought him to Temple Square for a tour or walking lesson. So, low and behold my companion and I get the call a few days before the tour is scheduled to be the one's to take them around. Of course we said yes.

Well when we got the information about Miguel I could  not believe my eyes. It was like I was looking at a piece of paper that had my name on it. I felt like I knew Miguel and exactly what he was going through. Well my companion and I finally met Miguel this last Thursday and took him around Temple Square, but we just didn't take him anywhere we had planned and prayed about what to share with him. So, as the tour went on the Spirit was just getting stronger and stronger. Well, of course I was in tears because I don't think there is a day that goes by on Temple Square that I don't cry. But, I was in tears as I told him my experience in joining the church and how I would have only ever gone through something like that if I knew that it was all true with out a doubt in my heart and in my mind.

Miguel agreed to pray more about the things that we had taught him and let us email him a scripture each day so that he could read from the Book of Mormon. He then invited us to his baptism on the 28th of this month. We also saw Miguel yesterday because he came back to Temple Square after he had gone to church! It was so neat to see him again! Well, we called Miguel this morning and he said that he knows it is all true and that he still wants to get baptized. When we asked him how he knew it was true he said "it was all that day." But, then he proceeded to tell us that he is getting baptized a WHOLE WEEK EARLIER!!!!!!!!!!!! He said that he just couldn't wait!!

My companion and I freaked out because we will still be together for his baptism and will be able to go! I love this gospel and how it changes lives. Only through Jesus Christ can we find the strength that we need to make a change for the better. I know that He lives and He can and will help you through anything if you let him. Have a great week and keep smiling because life is so good!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

~April 9, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? I hope your week has been good! The work of the Lord is going strong! Well, I have a miracle to share with you that just happened last night. Well, I received a referral from a girl that came to general conference and she wanted us to call her friend. Well, last night I was calling many people but they weren't answering the phone or they were really not interested in learning more. So, he was the last call that I was going to make. He answered and we started talking and turns out that he has gone to church many times with his friend that referred him and he grew up Catholic. So, we had something in common, which helped a lot.

Well, when I invited him to learn more through missionaries HE SAID YES! I was so excited but of course did not express that until after I got off the phone. But, he said to me something that really hit me, he said that he was actually just thinking about trying to get a Book of Mormon so that he could learn more! And so because his friend was prompted to refer him and I was prompted to make one last phone call before we left he was able to find the way to receive the Book of Mormon and missionaries!

So, needless to say we will be calling him to teach him on Saturday!!!  I love this gospel and have found so much happiness in it. I know that true happiness comes from following the example of Jesus Christ and by living His gospel. Thank you for all the support and I love you all! Hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Friday, April 6, 2012

~April 2, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing? Well, we just had conference here on Temple Square. For those that don't know, it is when all gather to listen to the words of the prophet and apostles and other leaders of the church. Well, Temple Square is very busy for this weekend.

So, as a mission our goal was to receive 7,162 member referrals just for this weekend. Well, by Saturday we only had 2,484. So, we really needed a miracle. Well, by Sunday night we actually received 7,541 member referrals. Now these are not just numbers or cards, these are God's children who deserve the opportunity to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! 7,541 people who may have the opportunity to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! 7,541 people who may have the opportunity to enter the waters of baptism.

Real quick, another miracle is that John, the one who recently got baptized on March 3rd, well he came to conference!!! He texted us as he was walking into the conference center! He is so amazing! I love being a missionary! I hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong