Tuesday, April 10, 2012

~April 9, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? I hope your week has been good! The work of the Lord is going strong! Well, I have a miracle to share with you that just happened last night. Well, I received a referral from a girl that came to general conference and she wanted us to call her friend. Well, last night I was calling many people but they weren't answering the phone or they were really not interested in learning more. So, he was the last call that I was going to make. He answered and we started talking and turns out that he has gone to church many times with his friend that referred him and he grew up Catholic. So, we had something in common, which helped a lot.

Well, when I invited him to learn more through missionaries HE SAID YES! I was so excited but of course did not express that until after I got off the phone. But, he said to me something that really hit me, he said that he was actually just thinking about trying to get a Book of Mormon so that he could learn more! And so because his friend was prompted to refer him and I was prompted to make one last phone call before we left he was able to find the way to receive the Book of Mormon and missionaries!

So, needless to say we will be calling him to teach him on Saturday!!!  I love this gospel and have found so much happiness in it. I know that true happiness comes from following the example of Jesus Christ and by living His gospel. Thank you for all the support and I love you all! Hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

1 comment:

  1. Sis A, i'm glad you are enjoying your mission so much and documenting fabulous experiences you are having. Keep it up!!!!
