Tuesday, March 13, 2012

~March 13, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing this week? I hope everything is going well and that you continue to see the Lord's hand working in your life. This week has been crazy here on Temple Square. The Square is starting to get busier and busier and so we are just running around like crazy people. Conference is coming in a few weeks and I am so excited to be apart of it.

The miracle that I want to share with you is quite small but still very important. On March 7th we met two return missionaries who had already been invited to share people they know that we could call and share the gospel with. But, neither one had given anyone and since we didn't know that we invited them again and shared an experience I had last transfer. After that, one of the return missionaries said that he will take the challenge and not only find people for me and my companion to call but for the other sisters as well.

Well, the next day sisters gave me the cards that he had taken and in total he gave us 9 people to call!!!! That never happens! Then come to find out he gave the other sister, that had invited him first, the same amount. Not only did he give all these names but he kept his promise and came back to give us the cards. He taught me this week what it means to be a disciple of the Lord even when you are not wearing a name tag. What a great example he is. The Lord is just waiting to bless us with all the miracles that are in our box of miracles and all we have to do is open it. Have a great week and know that the Lord is watching over you every step of the way.

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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