Monday, March 26, 2012

~March 26, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing? I hope this week is going well for you! Well, things on Temple Square are getting extremely busy! This last weekend we had the Young Women's Conference and so their were thousands of young women here!

Well, this coming weekend we will  be having General Conference! There will be even more people here and all the Sisters on Temple Square are very excited for this to occur. But, even with all the busyness of the time, there are still many miracles happening on Temple Square.

Actually, the person I want to share with you is a man named Taylor. He has gone through some pretty rough things in his life and has been taught by missionaries for a long time. But, has never felt that the Book of Mormon is true or wanted to get baptized. Well, last night my companion, Sister Brickley, and I had an appointment with him and it was amazing! He committed to baptism and said that he would call the missionaries in his area and tell them that he would like to be prepared to be baptized!! I could not believe it! I almost screamed!

Also, another lady named Bonny that I have been teaching for a while said that she would pray to know when the Lord would like her to get baptized! So, many people are moving closer and closer to having the blessing of Eternal Life! How could that not make you happy?!

I know that this Church is true with all my heart! I know that my Savior Jesus Christ lives and that His church is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. I know that as you read the Book of Mormon you will feel of the Spirit of God and know with a surety that it is the word of God.

There is a quote by an Apostle's Grandfather that goes, "No evil man could write such a book and no good man would and so it must come from God." I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

On a side note, Elizabeth wrote,
"P.S. Oh and I saw Brad, Bridget and Cami Garner this last weekend! Just practically ran into them! It was neat!"

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