Monday, March 19, 2012

~March 19, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Hope you are all having a great week! We had transfers this last week and I got a new companion! Her name is Sister Brickley and she is from Indiana and I just love her. Well, I mention her because the miracle that I want to share with you happened the first day that we were companions.

So, we met Juan in the North Visitor Center and he is from Venezuela. He spoke perfect English so we were able to take him around. But, we were talking about something and he asked a question about Joseph Smith and so we were able to take him downstairs to the display on Prophets of the Old Testament and Modern Day Prophets. So, we basically taught him the entire restoration. We shared with him Joseph Smith's first vision and at that moment the spirit was so strong. We then talked about the Book of Mormon and he said that he never knew there was another book besides the Bible and he said that he would like to read it!

So, we got the Book of Mormon in Spanish and had him read the last two paragraphs of the introduction in Spanish and invited him to meet with missionaries and receive a Book of Mormon and he said YES! So, since he was not going back to Venezuela until a few days ago we have an appointment to call him on Wednesday and start teaching him!

He is so prepared to hear the message especially because he just lost a close family member. I am so grateful to know that families can be together forever through the proper priesthood authority given from God. I know that no matter what, the Lord loves us and when we go through hard times it is just a trial of our faith.

If we can continue on and push forward, we will see the miracles that are waiting just around the corner! I absolutely love sharing these things with people everyday and know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way that we can have true happiness. Hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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