Monday, November 26, 2012

~November 26, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

I hope your week has been fantastic! I have some serious miracles to share with you! So, an update on Annel and Magda-the two that are getting baptized on Dec 29th- Well, they are living in not so good situations and need to get out. The other day we taught the law of Chastity and Magda took it very well and Annel was pondering things.

We weren't sure what she was thinking or if she was going to commit to living the law. Then the next day I got a text from her saying she wants with all her heart to be baptized on Dec 29th and so I am going to find a new place to live so I can keep the law of chastity!!!! What an amazing miracle! I thought that  had found who I came to find but I think it was these two that I was meant to find, teach and baptize before going back to Temple Square. I mean they are getting baptized 4 days before I go back!
The second miracle is that our awesome investigator Michael came to church this week for the first time! Now, Michael is 72 has earrings, a beard, and tattoos everywhere and has been a studier of all religions for 50 years. But, after church yesterday he told a member that the more he learns the more he feels good and is realizing that he is going to have to do something about it! I about died when I heard that! I would be so happy if Michael got baptized! I think he was another that I was meant to find! Well, that is all for this week. Keep Smiling and know that no matter how hard things get the Lord is always with you! Moroni 7:33.

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Monday, November 19, 2012

~November 19, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all had a great week!! This week was full of miracles! I can't even believe it but there are a few...okay one day that I want to tell you abut. This last Friday we had many teaching apt and on Thursday they almost all cancelled on us and we couldn't understand why. So, we went to the one that didn't cancel and we have been teaching this man for about a month. But he is the type of man that has studied almost every religion you can think of and really thinks so logically about everything. Well, when we got there he shared with us that he has do doubt that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true. He has been praying to know if the things we share are true and the answer he keeps getting is watch and see (keep learning). We were all in shock because the last time we were there he would not tell us any of those things and we were not sure what to do.

Then after that we got a call from a less active that was only baptized two years ago that we have tried to visit but she wasn't interested. When she called she said she would like us to come over.

When we got there (which worked out because our apt cancelled) she said that something told her to call us and that she is missing something in her life. She is so ready to come back! Then we got treated to this place called incredible pizza but our favorite member couple!! They crack us up! Then we got a call from an investigator we have only taught once and asked if we could come teach her more and since, again, our apt  cancelled we could go. So, we get there and she has her friend/ next door neighbor there who she has told everything that we shared with and her friend is ready and wants to learn. So we teach them both and they both committed to be baptized on the same day and then they both came to church on Sunday!!!!! When that lesson was over and my companions and I got in the car we all screamed with joy because we knew that the Lord had been in charge of that day and we say His hand in everything that happened! I LOVE being a missionary!

Hope you all have a great week and don't forget to see how the Lord's hand is in everything!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

~November 12, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Well, I hope you all had a great week! The miracle that I want to share with you this week is...okay it is two miracles. So, first our investigator Linda is supposed to be getting baptized on Nov 19th but Satan has been really working hard on her! But, we decided as a companionship to fast for her yesterday. We thought that all was lost because she didn't come to church and she would not answer the phone or the door and it was very sad. Then today we got a text asking for us to call and talk with her. She felt really bad for all the things that she has been doing/going through and still wants to be baptized!!!
But, what did happen while we were fasting is that there is a girl that has come to church two weeks in a row and her boyfriend is being taught by the Elders and she was sitting in Relief Society with one of my companions and asks for a copy of the Book of Mormon and asked if we could teach her because she has noticed a difference in her boyfriend and wants good people in her life. The Elders haven't taught her because of schedule and stuff but she told us she feels more comfortable with girls. So, we have a new investigator!
I know that these miracles happened because we showed the Lord our faith by fasting and then we went and did all that we could do. I love this scripture in the Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 25: 23 For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.

Hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Monday, November 5, 2012

~November 5, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!!

How was your week? Hope it was great! Well, our awesome miracle investigator Jennifer came to church yesterday!!!! She only stayed for one hour but that is good enough! That was a big step for her! So, this week has been full of miracles! One of them being that we found a lady who hasn't been to church in a while and her son who has never been baptized ( he is 12) and they are awesome. I just know I was meant to be here in Texas to find them. So, this is what happened. We had a dinner appointment with a family and when we got there no one was there and so we decided to go and see if we could find these two.

Well, they lived a little farther then we thought but when we got there we found out that they had just arrived home and had a couple from the church over and told them they wanted to missionaries to come because Keegan, the son, would like to learn and be baptized and Holly, the mom, would like to come back to church. We did not know that they wanted us to come over we just felt prompted to go. We had a great lesson on prayer and Keegan prayed for the first time!!
I know that Heavenly Father is so aware of His children and will never leave then alone. Hope all is well. Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong