Monday, November 12, 2012

~November 12, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Well, I hope you all had a great week! The miracle that I want to share with you this week is...okay it is two miracles. So, first our investigator Linda is supposed to be getting baptized on Nov 19th but Satan has been really working hard on her! But, we decided as a companionship to fast for her yesterday. We thought that all was lost because she didn't come to church and she would not answer the phone or the door and it was very sad. Then today we got a text asking for us to call and talk with her. She felt really bad for all the things that she has been doing/going through and still wants to be baptized!!!
But, what did happen while we were fasting is that there is a girl that has come to church two weeks in a row and her boyfriend is being taught by the Elders and she was sitting in Relief Society with one of my companions and asks for a copy of the Book of Mormon and asked if we could teach her because she has noticed a difference in her boyfriend and wants good people in her life. The Elders haven't taught her because of schedule and stuff but she told us she feels more comfortable with girls. So, we have a new investigator!
I know that these miracles happened because we showed the Lord our faith by fasting and then we went and did all that we could do. I love this scripture in the Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 25: 23 For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.

Hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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