Monday, November 26, 2012

~November 26, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

I hope your week has been fantastic! I have some serious miracles to share with you! So, an update on Annel and Magda-the two that are getting baptized on Dec 29th- Well, they are living in not so good situations and need to get out. The other day we taught the law of Chastity and Magda took it very well and Annel was pondering things.

We weren't sure what she was thinking or if she was going to commit to living the law. Then the next day I got a text from her saying she wants with all her heart to be baptized on Dec 29th and so I am going to find a new place to live so I can keep the law of chastity!!!! What an amazing miracle! I thought that  had found who I came to find but I think it was these two that I was meant to find, teach and baptize before going back to Temple Square. I mean they are getting baptized 4 days before I go back!
The second miracle is that our awesome investigator Michael came to church this week for the first time! Now, Michael is 72 has earrings, a beard, and tattoos everywhere and has been a studier of all religions for 50 years. But, after church yesterday he told a member that the more he learns the more he feels good and is realizing that he is going to have to do something about it! I about died when I heard that! I would be so happy if Michael got baptized! I think he was another that I was meant to find! Well, that is all for this week. Keep Smiling and know that no matter how hard things get the Lord is always with you! Moroni 7:33.

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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