Monday, November 5, 2012

~November 5, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!!

How was your week? Hope it was great! Well, our awesome miracle investigator Jennifer came to church yesterday!!!! She only stayed for one hour but that is good enough! That was a big step for her! So, this week has been full of miracles! One of them being that we found a lady who hasn't been to church in a while and her son who has never been baptized ( he is 12) and they are awesome. I just know I was meant to be here in Texas to find them. So, this is what happened. We had a dinner appointment with a family and when we got there no one was there and so we decided to go and see if we could find these two.

Well, they lived a little farther then we thought but when we got there we found out that they had just arrived home and had a couple from the church over and told them they wanted to missionaries to come because Keegan, the son, would like to learn and be baptized and Holly, the mom, would like to come back to church. We did not know that they wanted us to come over we just felt prompted to go. We had a great lesson on prayer and Keegan prayed for the first time!!
I know that Heavenly Father is so aware of His children and will never leave then alone. Hope all is well. Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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