Wednesday, January 30, 2013

~January 30, 2013~

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a great week! This has been a crazy week! The weeks just get faster and faster at the end of your mission! I am not sure how I feel about that! But, anyway a miracle that I would love to share with you this week is with three of our recent convert/less actives. Lisa, Fred, and Michael. Michael is a man that I was teaching outbound and we are still teaching over the phone. Well, he is a great guy and he still trying to stop smoking but he is getting there. But, when we talked to him we had to talk about the smoking and he will always beat around the bush but this week we got to the core of the problem and he finally opened up! We will see how things have been going tomorrow! Lisa, a less active that I have been teaching since the summer is doing so well! She is going back to the Temple in July!!!!!! But, something that she said the last time we taught her was that every time we call we always say something that is an answer to her prayers! And because of that she knows that God is real and that He hears her!

Fred, is awesome! We really love him! He is doing pretty well and when we call him the Spirit is so strong! He is really funny but at the same time we always have great discussions! So, just like Lisa he said that there were things that he needed to hear that we said. I just think that is so amazing because that means that we are following the Spirit and doing the Lord's work His way!

Well, have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Thursday, January 24, 2013

~Pictures of Sister Armstrong at SLC Temple Square since January, 2013~

Sister Armstrong (with t-shirt we sent)

Sister Armstrong (we thought the t-shirt was perfect for Temple Square):
"When all else fails, send in the sisters!"

SLC Temple Square (closed due to snow)

Sister Steenblik.... Her MTC COMPANION and Sister Armstrong

~Pictures of Sister Armstrong at Texas San Antonio Mission~


Sister Armstrong with SLC Temple Square ornament for Christmas

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

~January 23, 2013~

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have all had a great week! This week has been another great week on Temple Square! My companion and I are having a blast serving together! We have been teaching a lot of people that are less active and recent converts but they are all so great! Everyone needs to be uplifted! Well, I just wanted to share a really neat miracle and then be on my way :) So, I think I may have mentioned this but I am not sure. So, last week a lady called in (from Texas :)) and wanted a free Bible. Well, I asked her if we could call and teach her and she was very excited about that and then I asked her if she has any friends that she would like to share a message about Christ with and she thought of her friend Curtis and gave me his number.
So, I called Curtis that day and chatted with him for a little while and learned that he had met missionaries before and they talked to him a little bit but not much. So, I asked if he would be interested in learning more about the church and he immediately said yes. So, we set up an apt. Well the day came to call him and he didn't answer at first but we called back and got him and were able to teach him the restoration!!!! He said that he believes that it is possible that there is a prophet on the earth today and that he is willing to pray to know if what we taught him is true. I invited him to be baptized and he was quite for a minute and then he said that he would have to think about it some more. I would have asked what he was thinking but we were out of time and had to take a tour so we prayed and will be calling him in a week. He is so amazing!
Well, then I called the lady that had called in originally and found out that the missionaries had either not stopped by or she wasn't home when they had scheduled but she is still interested in learning about the church and so we have an apt to teach her on Friday! The church is so true! I know that God has so many ways to reach His children and help them to find the gospel.I know that the mission I serve in is very inspired with all the ways that we are able to reach and teach people and help them find the gospel. Well, I love you all and hope that you are having a fantastic week! Don't forget to smile (Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal).

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

~January 16, 2013~

Hello Everyone!!!!!

How has your week been? I hope it has been just fantastic!!!! This week has been chalk full of miracles. I really do feel blessed to be a missionary on Temple Square where everyday you see so many miracles!!!

So, miracle number one: I met a man named Mark December 2011. We taught him one lesson and sent him the missionaries and then could never get in touch with him again. I would try and call periodically and would never get him. Then right before I went to Texas I felt very strongly that I should call and then he called back but I could not understand his message and so I would call back he would leave a message I couldn't hear/understand and it went on like this until I left. So, the other night I was going through the people I need to call and I saw his name and I immediately called him and ....... he answered!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I explained who I was and asked if he remembered and he said "of course!" then he said "Elizabeth I feel that I should give you my new address" (because he had obviously moved) and then I asked if he wanted to meet with missionaries and he said yes! Then he told me that he thought it strange that I was calling him because he was thinking of me and my old companion just the night before. We talked a little longer and I set a return apt with him and he also told me that since we haven't been talking that he has been doing research and he feels that this is the true church of Jesus Christ and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God!!!! I could not believe it! After all this time! And how I always felt that I should not get rid of his information! Okay really quickly miracle number two: A lady called to get a free Bible and so we were talking and I found out she is from Texas and then we really got to talking.

Well, then i asked her if there was anyone in her life that needed a good message of Christ and she told me of her friend Curtis (oh and don't worry she accepted to meet with missionaries as well and we will be calling her and teaching her :)) and told me to call him and so I did and we talked for a little while and I taught him about the Book of Mormon and he said that he wants to learn more about the church!!!!! That is right! Can you believe that?! God is real and so many miracles come when you and your companion are obedient and work hard! I love being a missionary with all my heart and I love sharing the gospel! Just like Mosiah 2:41 says " And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a  state of neverending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true, for the Lord God hath spoken it." I hope you all have a great week and keep smiling because life it too short not to!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

~January 9, 2013~

Hello Everyone!!!

I AM BACK ON TEMPLE SQUARE!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never been happier! So, it is official Temple Square is the most magical place on earth! I know for you Disney fans that might be a little shocking, especially coming from me but you will just have to take my word for it :) So, this week was chalk full of miracles! The first being that I am back! The second being that my new companion is my MTC companion! The third being that two of my investigators got baptized while I have been gone!!!! Fred and Kasey! I already knew that Fred was going to get baptized and so I was actually able to call him the day off because I was back here. Kasey's baptism I had no idea about.

So, on e of the sisters here went to Alabama on her outbound and just happened to be in Kasey's ward. One day Kasey walks in and says "how do I become a member?" Well, long story short she had emailed me the day before I left for outbound and said she hadn't lost her faith and so I am assuming that is when she went to church! The sisters taught her...again... and she was baptized in 3 weeks and it all started a year ago! I know this church is true with all my heart! Jesus Christ lives and this is His gospel! How blessed am I to know these things and share them with such wonderful people! I hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong
Sister Armstrong also wrote us: "I found out my pday was Wednesday....the day I got here but I also found out that I am Zone Leader again and not just over any zone my companion and I are over the largest and most complicated zone. We have so many things to cover and make sure that the sisters are where they need to be and have what they need.

So, that means we are over the Beehive House and West Gate and Guest Services. So, when I got here I found out my companion.....who is Sister Steenblik....MY MTC COMPANION!!!!!!! Was not here and all the sisters were waiting for their schedules and so that is what I did all day. Sister Steenblik did not get here until 10 pm because she lost her drivers license...which we found in her scripture case last night...and so I was on the square all day because I didn't have a companion.

It was an interesting day but I was SO HAPPY!!!!!! I LOVE Temple Square with all my heart!!!! This is my mission! I was meant to be here! It feels like home!!!!! Also I got the t-shirt you sent me!
Thank you so much! It fits perfectly! I will send a picture of me in it soon. All the sisters are all super jealous of my shirt! How did you know that that was the perfect color! I mean I totally would have picked that color shirt!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Thank you so much!!
I can not even begin to describe the happiness I feel here on Temple Square! I love being here! I know that I was meant to go to Texas but Temple Square is my mission!"
[her t-shirt we sent her said, "When all else fails, send in the Sisters!"]