Wednesday, January 23, 2013

~January 23, 2013~

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have all had a great week! This week has been another great week on Temple Square! My companion and I are having a blast serving together! We have been teaching a lot of people that are less active and recent converts but they are all so great! Everyone needs to be uplifted! Well, I just wanted to share a really neat miracle and then be on my way :) So, I think I may have mentioned this but I am not sure. So, last week a lady called in (from Texas :)) and wanted a free Bible. Well, I asked her if we could call and teach her and she was very excited about that and then I asked her if she has any friends that she would like to share a message about Christ with and she thought of her friend Curtis and gave me his number.
So, I called Curtis that day and chatted with him for a little while and learned that he had met missionaries before and they talked to him a little bit but not much. So, I asked if he would be interested in learning more about the church and he immediately said yes. So, we set up an apt. Well the day came to call him and he didn't answer at first but we called back and got him and were able to teach him the restoration!!!! He said that he believes that it is possible that there is a prophet on the earth today and that he is willing to pray to know if what we taught him is true. I invited him to be baptized and he was quite for a minute and then he said that he would have to think about it some more. I would have asked what he was thinking but we were out of time and had to take a tour so we prayed and will be calling him in a week. He is so amazing!
Well, then I called the lady that had called in originally and found out that the missionaries had either not stopped by or she wasn't home when they had scheduled but she is still interested in learning about the church and so we have an apt to teach her on Friday! The church is so true! I know that God has so many ways to reach His children and help them to find the gospel.I know that the mission I serve in is very inspired with all the ways that we are able to reach and teach people and help them find the gospel. Well, I love you all and hope that you are having a fantastic week! Don't forget to smile (Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal).

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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