Wednesday, January 9, 2013

~January 9, 2013~

Hello Everyone!!!

I AM BACK ON TEMPLE SQUARE!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never been happier! So, it is official Temple Square is the most magical place on earth! I know for you Disney fans that might be a little shocking, especially coming from me but you will just have to take my word for it :) So, this week was chalk full of miracles! The first being that I am back! The second being that my new companion is my MTC companion! The third being that two of my investigators got baptized while I have been gone!!!! Fred and Kasey! I already knew that Fred was going to get baptized and so I was actually able to call him the day off because I was back here. Kasey's baptism I had no idea about.

So, on e of the sisters here went to Alabama on her outbound and just happened to be in Kasey's ward. One day Kasey walks in and says "how do I become a member?" Well, long story short she had emailed me the day before I left for outbound and said she hadn't lost her faith and so I am assuming that is when she went to church! The sisters taught her...again... and she was baptized in 3 weeks and it all started a year ago! I know this church is true with all my heart! Jesus Christ lives and this is His gospel! How blessed am I to know these things and share them with such wonderful people! I hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong
Sister Armstrong also wrote us: "I found out my pday was Wednesday....the day I got here but I also found out that I am Zone Leader again and not just over any zone my companion and I are over the largest and most complicated zone. We have so many things to cover and make sure that the sisters are where they need to be and have what they need.

So, that means we are over the Beehive House and West Gate and Guest Services. So, when I got here I found out my companion.....who is Sister Steenblik....MY MTC COMPANION!!!!!!! Was not here and all the sisters were waiting for their schedules and so that is what I did all day. Sister Steenblik did not get here until 10 pm because she lost her drivers license...which we found in her scripture case last night...and so I was on the square all day because I didn't have a companion.

It was an interesting day but I was SO HAPPY!!!!!! I LOVE Temple Square with all my heart!!!! This is my mission! I was meant to be here! It feels like home!!!!! Also I got the t-shirt you sent me!
Thank you so much! It fits perfectly! I will send a picture of me in it soon. All the sisters are all super jealous of my shirt! How did you know that that was the perfect color! I mean I totally would have picked that color shirt!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Thank you so much!!
I can not even begin to describe the happiness I feel here on Temple Square! I love being here! I know that I was meant to go to Texas but Temple Square is my mission!"
[her t-shirt we sent her said, "When all else fails, send in the Sisters!"]

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