Wednesday, March 20, 2013

~Homecoming March 20, 2013~

Today, Sister Elizabeth Armstrong arrived home after a two hour flight delay in Spokane (flew from SLC to Spokane to Seattle)! She traveled side-by-side with her last companion, Sister Steenblik (who went home to Spokane). A gentleman in front of them, who was mormon let Elizabeth get off the plane before him as he said she had waited 18 months to see us :) He offered to call us on his cell phone too to say they had arrived because they had had difficulties on two planes.

Elizabeth met baby Brandon and of course, Shamberly was delighted to see her big sister. We went to lunch for her 24th birthday at Moctezumas and met Ryan there. We arrived home and Ryan helped his dad and Elizabeth get her an Iphone. Then, Ryan watched both little ones while we took her to be released by Stake President Barker. Tomorrow evening, we have a babysitter so that Elizabeth can report to the High Councilman. It has been an emotional day! We are so happy and pleased to have her home!!!!! ~A Happy Stepmom and Dad

Sister Armstrong and dad

Shamberly (holding Lambie), Sister Armstrong, Mike and baby Brandon at airport

Shamberly, Sister Armstrong, Mike and baby Brandon at airport

Cynthia holding baby Brandon, Shamberly and Sister Armstrong at SeaTac Int'l Airport

Ryan, Mike, baby Brandon, Elizabeth and Shamberly at Moctezumas

Sister Armstrong, Shamberly and Ryan Armstrong at Moctezumas
Sibilings Reunited: Ryan, Elizabeth and Brad

All Armstrong Kids Together: Brandon, Ryan, Elizabeth
Bradley and Shamberly (April 2013)

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