Wednesday, March 13, 2013

~March 13, 2013~

Hello Everyone!!!

Well, I hope you all had a great week! I can't believe this is the last post I will make as a missionary! I can't make anymore because my mission ends in 7 days!!!! Crazy stuff! Well, of course it has been a great week on Temple Square with lots of things to do and lots of people to teach! I have a few miracles to share...of course.
Well, the closer I get to the end of my mission the more and more people I meet that are Catholic! It is crazy! I am able to relate to them so well and share my testimony with them! One man I met was Don! We met him last night when the Sister missionaries from the SLC mission brought him to Temple Square. T
he first miracle is that Sister Ray is the missionary that brought him! She is my old room, roommate from college! How cool is that?! We not only shared a closet together but we got to teach the gospel together! Then as we were teaching him I was really able to tell him what it was helped me know that this Church is truly Jesus Christ's church. He really wants to learn and get baptized but he also wants to know it is true...all of it. It was a really good lesson! He came to a lot of conclusions last night!

Then earlier this week I talked to a man named William on chat and he is Catholic as well. The miracle about this is that other sisters started chatting with him and then couldn't keep chatting because something came up and we took over for them and low and behold he is Catholic and couldn't believe that I used to be as well. He asked so many questions and at the end he didn't want to meet with missionaries but I committed him to go to church with one of his cousins who is member and he said, "actually it is funny that you ask because I have been thinking about going..." so needless to say I am pretty sure he will go to church one day!!!
I LOVE being a missionary and will miss being able to do this 24/7 but it is time to move on and share the gospel in a different way. I know that Christ lives and that for the last 18 months I have been doing His work and sharing His story the way He would want it shared.
Thank you all for being so supportive and as always, I hope you have a great week! Talk to you all in a week or so!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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