Wednesday, March 6, 2013

~March 6, 2013~

Hello Everyone!!!

How are you all doing? I hope you all a great week! Well, of course things on Temple Square are amazing! We are getting to see the sun again so that makes things even better! Well, I am running low on time so I will get straight to the point! We had a miracle!!!!! I know it's a shocker! :)
Well, on Sunday I was asked to is this thing we do on Temple Square...kind of hard to explain so if you really want to know just ask me in 2 weeks. Okay so after announcing tours in English no one was coming to take a tour with us and then one man came and so my companion and I got to take just him around. His name is Amit and he is from India! He was so nice! He just got married a year or so ago.
Well, he was here on business and was curious about Temple Square and also because he has seen missionaries in India before. So, we taught him the restoration and a little bit of the Plan of Salvation and we asked him if he would want to be with his wife forever and he said yes of course! He then said he would like to meet with missionaries and wanted a copy of the Book of Mormon! He will fly home on Friday and then we will call him! He was almost in tears when we told him this book would bring him closer to Jesus Christ!
I know that the church is so true! There is no way that things like this could happen to over 14 million people and it not be true! If you have ever wondered about this church or are struggling to know if it is true I invite you to read the Book of Mormon and then pray and ask God. He will give you an answer if you really want to know.
Thanks everyone and I hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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