Monday, November 14, 2011

~Made it to Temple Square!~

Hello Everyone!!!!!

I have made it to Temple Square!!!!!!! What an amazing place!!! I have been apart of so many miracles here and they keep coming!!! Yesterday (Sunday) we had miracle after miracle!!! My companion and I called it Miracle Sunday!!! :) My companion is Sister Astorga from Guatemala!! She is my trainer of course and I love her!!!! She is a very hard worker and I love that!!!
So, I wanted to share some miracles with you all! So, my first real miracle on the square happened on day two. So on Wed (my first day here we were doing our dailing planning for Thur) Sister Astorga asked me where we should go and I was not sure so I asked her where we could go...when she said the Tabernacle I was very impressed that we should go there. So the next day we walk into the Tab. and there are two Germans standing there. We started talking and ended up taking them all around and teaching them about the gospel!! Well, come to find out two other sisters had tried talking with them but they wouldn't talk with them. I know that we were supposed to find them and share the gospel with them!! So neat! Ok one more and then I will have to go because we are going to Walmart to go shopping :)
So, yesterday- on our Miracle Sunday- We were walking through the North Visitor's Center and they needed a spanish sister to take four spanish people from Mexico on a tour. Well, just because we were their we got to take them!! (my companion speaks spanish :) I of course had no idea what they were saying :) ) So the information we got was that they had left the Catholic church and someone told them that this was the true Church and so that is why they were there! How crazy is that?! My jaw dropped! I couldn't believe it!! So they didn't even want a tour they just wanted one question answered. My companion told them that Jesus Christ visited the America's after His resurection. After sharing that and some things about the Book of Mormon the Spirit was so strong- event though I didn't know what was being said I could feel it- so Sister Astorga invited them to meet with missionaries and they accepted!!!! It was a very special experience!
So those are just some of the amazing things that I have been apart of since being here on the Square!! I want you all to know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. Joseph Smith was a prophet and that he did restore the fulness of the gospel. I could not be happier then to be here now sharing this special message with people from all over the world!!!! I love you all and will hopefully hear from you soon :)

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