Tuesday, November 22, 2011

~November 21, 2011~

Well, this week has been incredible! So, many amazing miracles!! I feel so blessed to be here serving at Temple Square! It is definitely the best mission in the world!! :) So this weeks miracle story is quite incredible. So, we were walking around on Thursday and we could not find anyone to talk to that wasn't already talking to sisters. So, I was praying that we would find someone and Sister Astorga was as well. Then she tells me I think that are some people over by the Priesthood Statues (which are representing the restoration of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood to Joseph Smith). So, we walk over there and in front of the Melchizedek Statue we found a couple. They are from California and are traveling across the world to make it somewhere for the Holidays.
So anyway we were asking them if they had heard of this before and they were telling us that they had never been here and that the funny thing was is that their last name is Melchizedek! How crazy is that? Then they proceed to tell us that they have never met any Mormon's until they met us! So, we chatted with them and invited them right away to meet with missionaries and they accepted! Then we spent the next 45 min talking and taking them around. They tell us that the reason they had to come here was because some time ago the husband had opened his laptop and instantly, before he did anything, a picture of the Salt Lake Temple popped up on his screen! So, he had come here to find it and then he said he felt like my companion and I had been sent to them to help them understand.
We taught them a lot of things but there is so much to learn that we told them we can't teach it all in one day. They ended up going to the Joseph Smith movie and then to lunch. I'm sure they stayed and looked around some more because they even moved their car so that they could stay longer. They said that they didn't want to rush this experience. I love this story because it shows that the Lord prepares His children. He knows them and what they need and will always provide. This couple was so prepared that they couldn't even contain themselves! O and one more thing they both grew up Catholic and went to private Catholic schools! I was able to relate and tell them why this gospel means so much to me! It was the greatest moment thus far! But, don't get me wrong I have loved everyday and have had amazing experiences with so many people!!
This gospel is true and this work is of the Lord. We have been called by a Prophet of God to represent Jesus Christ and share the greatest message that anyone could ever hear! Please share with as many as you can about this gospel because they need to know. They need to know that their Heavenly Father loves them and because of that He has a plan for them he has a plan for you. Thank you for all you do and keep up the missionary work! The members are the best missionaries because you already know people!!! !:) Love you all and would love to hear from you!! Take care and know that God loves you!
Sister Armstrong

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