Thursday, November 3, 2011

~November 1, 2011~

Ok, so this week has been so busy but so absolutely amazing!!! My companion and I had some great teaching experiences! Something that I have been dying to tell you all is that this last Sunday we had Sister Elaine Dalton General Young Women's President here in Relief Society to speak to us!!!! So one of the sisters in my district was asked to share her conversion story in RS. SO, she had to sit on the stand with Sister Dalton. Since her companion sprained her ankle in gym earlier this week I got to go up and sit with her and so we both got to meet her!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is the sweetest lady ever!!! When we told her that we are going to Temple Square she said, "You know that is a compliment from heaven right?" How great is that?! Anyway that was a way cool experience!!

This was our last week as a district! Our elders left for Zimbabwe yesterday and it was so sad! I think about now they are in London and they will be in Africa tomorrow! They are going to be amazing missionaries!! I have tons of pictures but I will email them when I get to the field because I can't upload them on MTC computers. So yesterday since out elders were gone it was just the four of us sisters  in class and it was so weird. But, we had some really cool experiences!! We had the best discussion about inviting others to be baptized when we first meet them or during the first discussion.

I finally realized the true meaning of missionary work! I felt like I was on spiritual fire! I could not contain myself! I wanted to share my message with everyone at that moment! And still do!! I just really understood that baptism is the way that God's children are going to make it back to live with their Heavenly Father and if I don't invite them then I don't get to have my brother's and sister's with me in the Celestial Kingdom! Our Savior Jesus Christ taught the people in Alma that we are to preach repentance and baptism so why would I, as a representative of Him, not do the same thing?! I cannot wait until I cant get to Temple Square and share the message that the Lord has for His children! He is the one asking them to be baptized but he has asked us, His missionaries, to invite them. If we don't invite them then how will they ever have the chance to accept? Well I love you all and have to go my computer time is almost up and there are Elders waiting to use it :) But I hope you are all doing well and can't wait to hear from you all!!! is a great way to write me :) Love you and will talk to you soon :)

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