Monday, November 28, 2011


Hello everyone!!! I am so happy today!! Christmas season has started here on Temple Square and it is beautiful!! I will be sending pictures soon. We haven't had a chance to take pictures with the lights yet because there are so many people on the Square every night. The Friday after Thanksgiving was the first day the lights came on and I think around 20,000 people were here! We met a couple who flew from L.A. just to see the lights! How amazing is that?! Well, as always there are some amazing miracles that have been happening here on the Square.

The one that I want to share this week is about a wonderful family from Mexico. The son, his wife, their little girl and the son's mom all live in UT. The great grandma- Juana- comes straight from Mexico. She was here to visit. So they all came to Temple Square to show Juana. We found them up by the Christus. So, we played the narration for them and then took them to see God's Plan for His Families. They loved it and by the end Juana was crying. She said that she knows that we can be with our families forever and that is why we have temples (she has never heard this before or known about the church before). The spirit was so strong.

She then said she would meet with missionaries. She then asked if she could go in the temple and we told her that everyone is invited to prepare to enter but that we have a model of temple that she can see. So, we started walking over to the other visitor's center. While we were walking we found out that the son was meeting with missionaries now and that his wife is already a member she is just not active. But they said that they are wanting to go to the temple so that is so exciting. Then we walked into the visitor center and there is this big painting on the wall that depicts the Plan of Salvation and Juana looked at for a long time and then bore her testimony telling us that she believed it. She even told us that she prays and that her prayers are answered by the spirit through her mind and heart (she has never heard of the Book of Mormon before).

Then we were finally walking to the temple model and there is a big picture of President Monson on the wall and she walks right over and touches it. My companion asked her if she knew who that was and she of course did not. We told her that was the Prophet. She then bore her testimony again saying that she knows he is the prophet. At that moment her daughter-the grandma- started to cry. We then walked over to the temple model and said our goodbyes and as we did my companion told the grandma that the invitation was extended to her to go to church and to learn more and she just started to cry and cry and then gave us her number so that we could call and send missionaries over to her. It was an amazing experience.

I love them so much and cannot wait to teach them tonight. They will all be baptized and the wife will go back to church I just know it. If they do get baptized there is a possibility since they live in UT that we can go (if it isn't too far from SLC). I know that this church is true. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a true and living prophet. I know that Jesus Christ lives and that because of Him I will have the opportunity to make it back to live with Him and my Father in Heaven one day. I know that we can all know of these things for ourselves as we pray and listen for the Holy Spirit to touch our hearts. Thank you so much for your support and I can't wait to hear from you all.

Love- Sister Armstrong

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