Monday, January 23, 2012

~January 23, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!!!

This has been an amazing week! We have had so many miracles that it was hard to decide which one to share so I chose a couple. The first one is about this man named Salvador (which means Savior in Spanish). We met him on the Square about a month and a half ago.

We took him through the God's Plan for His Family presentation (It is our favorite, so if you come to Temple Square you have to watch it). Afterwards he told us that he wanted to know how he can have this in his life and so he gave us his number and email. But, he was in the middle of moving so he didn't have his address. Well, we have been trying to call him for a month and nothing has happened. So, we emailed him as a last resort and he emailed us back this week!! It was a miracle! He told us that he lost his phone and gave us his new phone number.

We called and he shared with us an amazing story about how he randomly got in contact with the missionaries in his area and has been meeting with them and going to church for the last month! We were so excited and happy for him! Then he told us how he has never forgot the presentation that we showed him and he told us that he prays everyday that he can have an eternal family. What an amazing story.

Then the other one is about a girl named Krista. She wanted to receive a free thing about how to obtain a happier family and so of course I mailed it to her. But, I tried and stayed in contact with her to see if she has received it. It has been a month and a half almost two and she finally calls back to say that she has not received it and just like the first phone call she starts crying and telling me how much she really needs some help. So, I told her that the missionaries will personally bring it over and she accepted. So, I called her this week to find out that she has received it and the missionaries have been over every week and her family is going back to church and that they are so happy and doing so much better.

I want you to know that prayer works. When you are sincere and really have faith the Lord will answer your prayers. We have been praying for these two since we met them and even though it has been a few months our prayers have been answered.

If you have never prayed or haven't prayed in a while I invite you to get on your knees and really pour your heart out to your Father in Heaven and just feel and see the blessings that will come from even just on prayer. Then think about how great they will be if you do it everyday. I love you all! Thank you for all the support!!!

Sister Armstrong

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