Monday, January 9, 2012

~January 9, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!! This week has gone by so fast! I can't believe it! I don't have much time so this one will be really short. But, I do have a great miracle to share. So, I can't remember if I have talked about our investigator Pedro but he is amazing. He is so prepared for the gospel in his life and he is ready for a change. So, we called him last night and shared with him about Joseph Smith and the Restoration and he was so touched by the spirit. We invited him to pray about it and know for himself if these things are true and he responded I know they are true.

So what had happened was that he went to church for the third time yesterday and he heard about Joseph Smith but we haven't taught him too much about him because he was going kind of slower with things; which is fine. But they talked about Joseph Smith in church and then right before we called him he was thinking about it again and then we taught him and he said because he was thinking about it and we taught him and we didn't know he was thinking that--that it must be true. How amazing is that?! I have never experienced so much love for someone I have never met but he has such an amazing spirit.

I know that to teach people we have to love them in the way that our Father in Heaven does otherwise they will not feel the spirit.  I know that Heavenly Father loves him and wants him to find truth and he is ready! So, good!!! I love you all and hope you are doing well! Please write because I would love to hear from you!!!!!!

-Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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