Monday, January 30, 2012

~January 30, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing this week? It has been another great week here on Temple Square! I absolutely love serving here and meeting so many wonderful people.

The miracle and person I want to share with you this week is Jennie. She is from Tennessee and she came to Temple Square for the first time. She travels with her job and so she has been here before but this time she said that she just felt she had to come here. We were talking to her for about 5 min. and we were showing her the model of the Temple and shared with her that in Temples we learn about God's Plan for us. We learn where we came from, why we are here and where we are going after this life. When we said that she said, "Yeah that is what I am looking for. I feel lost and I am looking for those answers."

I could not believe it and at that moment she said she wanted missionaries. We ended up spending about an hour with her and she just said the most amazing things. There were many times that she felt the Spirit and she was crying as well. At the end she told us that she was so happy and that she will make an effort to go to church. She also asked us where she could get a copy of the Book of Mormon.

I just felt so much love for her and could not believe how prepared she is. Well I love you all and wish you a great week! Remember to smile because Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and if He is looking down on you then you want to be smiling.

Love Always,
Sister Armstrong

Elizabeth also wrote us...
"Thank you so much for the Valentine's package!! I was so surprised to get it! I loved all the pictures and well just everything! We are going to have to decorate with the window stickies for Valentine's Day!

Thank you so much for finding the ASL books and mailing them to me! That means so much to me and I promise that I will study so that by summer I can pass off and take tours in ASL. There are other sisters that said that would like to borrow them as well since there are no study materials for ASL here on Temple Square.

This morning we had transfer conference and I am getting a new companion. Her name is Sister Jordan and she is from Germany. But, her mom is from Guatemala and her dad is from Germany so she is half and half. So, she knows three languages: Spanish, German, and English!

I am so excited to be her companion. She will also be the district leader of our district so we will have a crazy busy transfer. I am staying in the same zone so I will have the same schedule and I am also really lucky to stay in the same apartment. So, my trainer Sister Astorga-who I have been companions with for 3months- is now going to be my Zone leader! I am so excited to still serve with her. I am very excited for this new transfer! It will start on Wed.

Also, I am in the process of passing of so that I can drive. So, only the American sisters and sisters that have lived in the states before and have a driver's license can actually drive. So, if my new companion and I want to go to the store I need to pass off. I already took the written test and now I just need to take the driving test."

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