Monday, February 13, 2012

~February 13, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you are all doing well and that you have had a great week! So, I believe I told you about John and how he is getting baptized on March 3. Well, I want to tell you that I have heard some more great news from my old companion. So, since she speaks Spanish she took all of the Spanish people. But, I loved them all so much that it was hard to not teach them anymore. But, she has been keeping me updated on their progress. There is a couple that I would like to tell you about. Their names are Juana and Pablo, now mind you they are very old - like in their 70's.

Well, we met Juana and some of the other family on Temple Square and we ended up taking them around and sharing more with them about the church. Juana, who has never heard of a prophet or anything before, was so amazing. We walked into the South Visitor Center to show them the model of the Temple and before we could walk over there she sees the picture of Thomas S. Monson and goes right up to it and touches it. She asked us who he was and we told her that he is the Prophet and then she looked right at us and told us, "I know he is a prophet". It was so powerful and she had such an amazing time at Temple Square that eventually Pablo flew from CA to visit us as well and we were able to meet him during Christmas!

Then when they both went back to California we were able to start teaching them. We found out this week that they will both be baptized on Feb 19th. Even though they are older and have lived good, long lives they have finally found the truth together and will be able to be an eternal family. It really is a miracle especially since Juana told us that Pablo doesn't like church (he was the first on to tell us that he was going to get baptized). I love them like they are my own grandparents and am so happy for them. How amazing is it that Heavenly Father loves us all so much that we can all have this happiness in our lives whether we are 8 or 78.

Have a great week and remember that it is never too late to change.

-Love Always
Sister Armstrong

New Mission Companion from Germany :-)

Sister Armstrong and "Valentine's Treat" from Mission President's Wife and Senior Couple Missionaries :-)

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