Tuesday, February 21, 2012

~February 21, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!! This has been an amazing week! I have learned so much about the Gospel and about myself. I want to share with the miracle that I had with a man named Frank. So, we have been teaching this man named Eric and we had an appt. to teach him but he didn't answer. So, I tried calling him a few days later to see what happened and what not. Well, someone answered the phone and I asked if it was Eric and it wasn't. The man who answered was Frank and he found Eric's phone on the bus where he left it and has been trying to get it back to him (probably why he did answer when we called for our apt.).

Well, we talked for a minute and then I told Frank why it is that we are calling Eric. I asked if he had ever heard of our church and he hadn't. Then I asked him if he was religious and he said that he was trying to be. So, I told him what we do as missionaries and if he would like to learn more about Jesus Christ and God and he said this, "Well, that is what I have been looking to do and I think you just found me." That literally blew me away.

I knew at that moment that I was supposed to call and find Frank. Otherwise, how in the world would I have found him? I wouldn't. Well, this is just the beginning of the amazing week that I had. The people we find are just so prepared and ready to hear the great message we have for them. Oh and just so you know we have an apt. to teach Frank this week. Hope you all have a great day and an even better week. Know that God loves you and will always be there for you!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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