Monday, February 27, 2012

~February 27, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!!
This week has been chalk full of miracles! You will not believe it... I went to Colombia! Okay, just kidding but one of our investigators that lives in Colombia got baptized on Saturday. She has been waiting to get baptized because she wanted her fiance to baptize her but he lives here in Salt Lake and could not afford to go there. So, my companion and I were talking about a way that he could be there and then I thought well maybe they could Skype it and guess what THEY DID!!!
So, Vici is our investigator and her fiance is Carlos. So, Carlos and his family set up Skype in the Chapel in SLC and they invited us to come and watch Vici's baptism and so we did. It was a very neat experience and we are so excited for her and her new journey. In just one short year her and Carlos will be married for time and all eternity in the Temple (hopefully the SLC temple of course.)
Well the miracles didn't end there that day. After the baptism we met a wonderful mother and son and had a really spiritual conversation and then we went to call some of our investigators when we had a voicemail from Tamara. Now we haven't been able to get a hold of her for a few weeks and she was struggling with giving up coffee. But, we texted her everyday with a scripture and a little uplifting thought. Well all we could hear from the voicemail is "they are going to baptize me". We were so excited and so even though it was really late were she was we called and found out that she had gotten baptized THAT DAY!!!! Holy cow we had two investigators get baptized in the same day!!!!!
What an amazing feeling to know that they have made the first promise towards Eternal Life with our Father in Heaven. And all we did was share with them the things that we know. SO AMAZING! Well, those are the miracles that I wanted to share with you! Know that the Lord is watching out and even if it doesn't feel like it He is listening, He is talking to us, and He does answer our prayers. Oh and I can't forget that we also received a text from our investigator John who has finished his baptismal interview and will be baptized this Saturday! What a great week and I can't wait for what lies ahead. Keep doing the Lord's work it is the best work you could ever do.
Love Always,
Sister Armstrong
Us today at our Zone activity
Me and my companion Sister Jordan, getting ready to leave the phones and go to the Square
Last week having some Valentine's Day fun

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