Monday, February 6, 2012

~February 6, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

This has been a wonderful week! I want to tell you all about a few men that we were able to teach over the phone! The first one is a man named John who we met during Christmas time on Temple Square and he referred himself. So, we called him and started teaching him. Then the missionaries in his area got in contact with him and so we haven't called him in a while. Well, we called him this week to see how he is doing and come to find out he is meeting with missionaries two- three times a week and will be baptized on March 3rd!!! He was so excited to tell us that he is getting baptized! I feel so blessed to be able to be apart of his journey to the truth. And he lives in Chicago, by the way.

The next man  is named Austin. Another Sister was teaching him but she finished her mission and so she asked that I call and teach him. Well, go figure, he is from Washington. So, I called him and asked if we could teach him some more and he said yes. We called him the next day and taught him about the Plan of Salvation and told him that he could be with his wife and new born baby girl (3 months old) forever. He was so amazed. He said that the church that he goes to doesn't teach him that. Also, I was able to teach him how to pray because he said that he wasn't sure. Well, then he told us that he prayed with his wife and that they felt so good when they prayed. He said that whenever they talk about this church they feel this very calm feeling. Of course we told him that this was the Holy Ghost and that the Holy Ghost is there to lead us to the truth. 

I am just so grateful to be a missionary and to be able to share with people how they can find the most happiness and the truth. Thank you for letting me share with you every week all the neat things that happen on Temple Square. Not that I am biased or anything but my mission is really the best mission in the world. Hope you all have a great week! Don't forget how much you are loved by your Father in Heaven. Sometimes it takes a while to see results of the things that we are doing but everything will work out all in the Lord's time.  

Love Always,
Sister Armstrong

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad Cynthia sent me this site. I am happy that you are having such great experiences! YOU are such a great missionary!
