Wednesday, June 20, 2012

~June 20, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing? Okay before I share with you a miracle I have to share with you the funniest experience I have had thus far on my mission. Okay so Sister Lee and I were at the desk waiting for people to come in the Beehive House and who walks in but a 25 yr old from Idaho and two Chinese people from Taiwan. Okay well the man from Taiwan was crazy! We were telling him about the records they kept there and he was a little shorter so he was jumping up and down in 157 yr old home and then when I was laughing at him he said, "Well my name is Jackie Chan!" and then I laughed even harder and he proceeded to pull out his ID to tell me that he was but I just couldn't even look at it because it was so funny! Got to love being a missionary! You meet the craziest people!

Well, then we were practicing/ role playing on the square since my companion is learning all about Temple Square and needed to pass of in order to take English tours (except for the fact that we are not tour guides we are walking lesson missionaries with great props). So, anyway some people came up and asked us to take them around and the Spirit was so strong! I absolutely loved meeting them they really had a great testimony of the church and were willing to share with their friends. Then we went over to the Beehive House and met the greatest family ever! They were the funnest people. We are only supposed to give 20 min tours of the Beehive and we were with them for an hour! They had so many questions and have lots of member friends and so they gave us there email address so that we can stay in contact with them! I am so excited to see what happens with them!

Well, I just wanted to share some of those things with you and share with you that I know this church is the true church on the earth. I have no doubt about any of it. I know that sometimes I have questions but that is when I get to go and study and research and find the answer. I hope you all know how great you are and to keep smiling everyday! Everything happens for a reason. 

Love you all!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong- serving in the greatest mission in the world AKA Temple Square! :)

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