Sunday, July 1, 2012

~June 27, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Well, it has beene a pretty great week here at Temple Square. We have had some pretty seriously hot weather but other than that, a great week. I am sure there is a miracle in here somewhere. But I really want to share a story:)

So, my companion and I and two other sisters took what we call a motorcoach, which is a bus load full of people, 30 or more, that we take around Temple Square for about 30 min. Well, they were a senior group of Lutherans and they had so many questions. We were able to clarify some things for them and really share our testimonies.

Well, at the end, like ten old ladies and one man came up and asked if I had a boyfriend and when I said "no" they all asked if they could set me up with their grandson!!!!! (I died laughing) It was the cutest thing ever! But, I was so happy that I was able to help them know that we believe in Christ and He is the center of our faith!!

I know that the miracle is that they were all touched by the peace at Temple Square. I love being a missionary here! I love that Heavenly Father knows us all perfectly!

Well, have a great week! Love you all!

Love Always,
Sister Armstrong

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