Monday, June 4, 2012

~June 4, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you doing this week? I hope it has been a week full of miracles and blessings. Well, I have a few miracles to share with you that knocked me right off my chair!

So, it was Tuesday night and we had like 20 min. left on the phones and I thought I would try and call this lady one more time. I had called her right after conference, when her nephew asked us to give her a call, and left a message. Well, she called back and left a message but the computer wasn't working so I still do not know what she was saying. So, since hardly anyone calls back I just felt to keep calling. So, I finally called her for the last time and so called back her nephew and told him I was never able to get a hold of her and asked if he knew anything. Then he said, "Well Sister Armstrong, she got baptized two days ago!" I could not believe my ears and so I asked him to tell me the story. This is what he said, "Well the story goes that she received a voicemail from a sister missionary in Utah and because of that it made her decide to meet with missionaries again and then 5 weeks later she was baptized." I just started crying. I could not believe my ears. Something that I had been doing was leaving messages that were prompted by the Spirit to help them feel the Spirit and teach them something. I never ever thought that it would make that much of a difference!

I finally got to talk to her on the phone and she said that same thing. She is such a sweet lady! She lives in CA and is 55 years old. One thing she did say was that she had decided to watch conference because she had heard about it and at the same time her nephew was giving me her number. Then I called her a week later and told her that I had a message about the Savior Jesus Christ and that was something that she had never studied or believed and so that is what pushed her or prompted her to learn more. I feel so blessed to be in a place where I can witness miracles like that!

Well, the second miracle is that our investigator Ottis from Liberia Africa was supposed to be baptized on the 19th of May and we have not been able to get through to Africa for 3 weeks! Finally yesterday as we were fasting for our investigators and specifically for us to get through to Africa the phone started ringing and he answered. He did get baptized and was so happy! He even said that he would like to see us and we said we would send a picture to his email and then he said,"Well that is could but then I would like to meet you physically" he meant in person. I told him that one day we will meet. It is so great to be a missionary and to bring hope to the lives of others.

Have a great week and know you are loved by your Father in Heaven!

Sister Armstrong

Sister Armstrong also emailed us:

"I will be serving at the Beehive House this transfer... It is Brigham Young's house. I am not sure how I feel about that but I am sure it will be great. So, that also means that my pday will change to Wednesday! It is so weird to think about because I have always had Monday pday. So, I will get two pdays this week. But, not really because Wednesday is the day the new sisters get here and we need to take them to Walmart and get them moved in and all that good stuff. I am a little nervous but I think it will be great. So, no district leader this transfer because when you train that is all you do since it is not an easy job.

Also, this morning for transfer conference Elder Holland came and spoke to us. Yes an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ was in our very small theatre room with all 150 sisters on Temple Square speaking to us about missionary work. It was so powerful! He told us that it is not going to be easy but why would it be if it wasn't easy for Christ. Then at the end he shook each of our hands and as he looked in my eyes he told me he loved me and thanked me for being there. It was so amazing! Something that I will never forget!"

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