Monday, May 28, 2012

~May 28, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing? Well, this has been another great week here at Temple Square! So, on Saturday it was pouring down rain and yet there were tons of people here! So, by 1 pm we had taken 4 tours and had a scheduled tour later that night! That is craziness! So, in the first four hours of the day we had taught 8 people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Unfortunately none of them agreed to learn more... yet.

Well, on Sunday my companion and I were exhausted! But, again there were lots of people here and we had another group that wanted to be taken around. Two were members and two were not. By the end of the "walking lesson" one of them had referred to meet with missionaries! And then we went back to the teaching center and found another new investigator who had been interested in the church for a long time! He lives in Florida and is going to college. He already committed to going to church and asked us about institute and about opportunities for service projects! This guy is so great! So, I just loved seeing how the Lord blessed us for all our hard work the day before!

I know that this church is truly Christ's church restored again on the earth and that it can bring so much happiness to our lives! This is where we can find true happiness! Well, I hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong
Sister Armstrong also emailed us this, "Oh and dad had asked me about the hospitality tours that I have been assigned this transfer and we finally got to take one, because all the ones that we were assigned to had been cancelled because there weren't enough people. Well, anyone it was Saturday night and we took them on a Garden tour and the lady who gives that tour did not show up for the first 10 min so we had to start the tour. Do we know anything about flowers? NO! So we just started making stuff up and they were all dying laughing!

When we had run out of things to tell them the Garden tour lady arrived and finished the tour. Then we took them to dinner and gave them a free CD of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir- which they all loved. Then we took them on a tour of the Beehive house (Brigham Young's house). Have we ever been assigned there? No! Have we ever given a tour there? No!

So, we had been studying a little and whatever we couldn't remember we just filled in with jokes and stories of the pioneers and they loved it! All in all we did a pretty good job because they all left happy! We of course could not teach them anything about the gospel but it turned out that they asked questions anyway. We can't wait for our next one!"

Sister Armstrong's Wall of Pictures on Mission

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