Wednesday, July 11, 2012

~July 11, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing this week? Well, this is going to be a short one but I wanted to tell you the miracle that we had! BONNY GOT BAPTIZED!!!! I have been teaching her since the beginning of my mission and when I say beginning I mean since like week 2 of my mission. And finally on July 7th she was baptized and was confirmed on July 8th. It is a miracle that I am still having to let sink in. I am so happy for her and I just love her so much!

Also, since Bonny got baptized we kind of don't have any investigators. So, we have been working really hard to find new people to teach and have been saying many prayers. Well, answer number one: Kaysy, an old investigator that just stopped answering the phone, emailed us and said that she wants to start learning again so that she can get baptized.

Answer number two: we met a man from the Philippines who met missionaries a year ago and then they stopped coming because they got transferred and he wants to meet with missionaries again. He kept reading the Book of Mormon and wants to learn as much as he can and so we will be teaching him this week!

I am so grateful for all the blessings that come everyday and I know that this work is the work of the Lord. These things don't just happen out of think air or for kicks and giggles. These things happen because God is real and His hand is in the lives of all of His children on the earth, which is everyone!

Hope your all doing well! Have a great week and keep smiling!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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