Thursday, July 19, 2012

~July 19, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Well, this week has been a great week! I get to stay with my wonderful companion from Singapore! How lucky am I?! I really feel that God loves me! Okay, I mean I know He loves me but that may not be the reason I get to stay with Sister Lee. It is probably because I am still training her but who is keeping track.

Well, this week we have seen so many miracles a lot of our miracles have been Mandarin miracles but I want to share with you an English one! So, we got to take Sister Lee's first investigator lesson. Which is when the Elders will bring their investigators here and we prepare a lesson on Temple Square for them. They are my favorite! So, it was Sister Lee's first and who shows up but the Assistants of the SLC West mission and their Mission President and they are all coming with us! This would happen when it was her first lesson! But, it went great! Viviana is amazing! She is the one investigating the church and she is so prepared! She wants to follow God with all her heart and she is really studying and pondering and praying to know if this really is the Church that Christ established when He was on the earth restored again. Well, she has come to know that it is and we will be attending her baptism this Saturday!! We are so excited!

Well, I hope you all know how much God really loves you and is watching over you! Everything will work out in His time and in His way!  I love you all and hope you all have a great week!

Sister Armstrong

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