Wednesday, July 4, 2012

~July 4, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Well this week has been a very crazy and busy week on Temple Square! They are not kidding when they say that the square is busy in the summer. So, this transfer I am serving in the Beehive House, the home of Brigham Young, and there are about 4 companionship's in the home at a time. Well, yesterday my companion and I, alone, took 147 people through the Beehive House!!! We were exhausted afterwards! I don't think I have slept that good in a while! :) Well, there is one miracle this week that I really want to share with you!

So, my investigator Bonny, who I have been teaching for 9 months, now has a baptismal date for this coming Saturday! We are so excited! Well, we were again at the Beehive House and two ladies from Singapore walked in and since my companion is from Singapore we ended up taking the tour even though it was not our turn. Well, some more people came in and I was asking where they were from and they said Manitoba, Canada. Well, that is where Bonny is from so I was telling them about her and how she is getting baptized. Then he said well I am a Bishop there and turns out he is Bonny's Bishop!! Of course I started crying! I just could not believe it!

We would not have met them if the ladies from Singapore had not come in at that moment. I firmly believe and know that God is real and He knows us personally! We have so many miracles this week as we try to find new people to teach. I love you all and hope that you have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Sis. Armstrong also shared this with us: "Today we are going to someplace as a mission to watch fireworks. So, we get to stay out after curfew. I wonder if we get to sleep in tomorrow...Probably not! :) Got to love being a missionary!

[and during a tour, she wrote]: ...In that same tour I ended up telling them that I am a convert and one man asked me if a dear friend introduced me to the church and I said "as a matter of fact yes that dear friend is my step mom." He thought that was just so great! I wanted to share that with you because when he asked me that I just felt that it was so true and really dear friend did introduce me to the Gospel."

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