Saturday, August 18, 2012

~August 16, 2012~

Hello Everyone! 

How are you all doing this week? I hope this has been a good week for you! I know that sometimes things can be hard but all in all if we keep holding on we will get through it. An Apostle once said "Things as they are now are not they always will be." Good advice, don't you think?!

Well, it has been another great week here on Temple Square! We have seen so many miracles and have taught so many people! I feel so blessed that our problem on Temple Square is that there are not enough Chinese sisters to teach all the Chinese people that are coming, even though it is calming down a little bit. So, this week we had zone conference and so they need help at the Beehive House (the home of Brigham Young, second prophet of the church) where we served last transfer. I told the zone leaders once we get there all the Chinese are going to come. Well, low and behold as we were walking up the hill to the Beehive House we see Chinese people walking in. We get there and realize that it is not just a few but 60! That is right 60 CHINESE PEOPLE! ALL AT ONCE! And of course they didn't have much time so we took them all through the house at once which I think is a new record for how many people have been taken through the house at once, ever before! 

Last night we took an emergency bus tour of Chinese people and at the end I felt really prompted to share my testimony with them about God and Jesus Christ and it just as though many of these people felt the Spirit for the first time. I feel so blessed to be able to teach them that there is something more in life. There is something more then what we can see right here. Something more that is watching over us and keeping us safe! I love that God trusts my companion and I enough to teach these wonderful people together. Well I love you all and hope you doing well. Keep going! God won't give up on you so don't give up on Him!

Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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