Thursday, August 23, 2012

~August 23, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

I hope that this week has treated you well! This has been another great week on Temple Square! I love being a missionary! Especially in the best mission in the world! Where our biggest problem is that there are so many people to teach that sometimes we don't even have time to eat! What greater blessing can you ask for?! Well, last Friday we were covering one of the desks here and we prayed that we would be able to find someone who had sincere questions and really wanted to learn. Well, low and behold in the mist of all the craziness this great man named Gary came up and just told us that he has never been to Utah before and that he is really wanting to know about what we believe. He particularly said that he is not sure why many claim that we are not a Christian church since he sees Christ everywhere in the visitor center. So, Sister Lee and I got to teach him all about the Book of Mormon and why it is so important. We committed him to go to and research some more and then request for his own copy of the Book of Mormon and he said that he would and that he is so excited to share this with his wife! How great is that?! 

On Saturday we were able to attend the baptism of a lady who we took on a tour here on Temple Square. The first miracle is that we invited her to meet with missionaries she said no and then we saw her again a few weeks later and she was getting ready for her baptism!!! The second miracle is that she is from Mainland China where missionaries do not exist. The third miracle is that my old room, roommate Katelyn Ray or Sister Ray is now serving in the Chinese ward in SLC even though she wasn't called Chinese speaking and I got to see her because she was at the baptism. How amazing is that to be able to be missionaries with the roommate that you were preparing for  a mission with?! To be able to teach the same lady and see her enter the waters of baptism together! I absolutely love this gospel and see God's hand and love in all of our lives everyday!

Those were just a few of our miracles that I wanted to share! I love you all and hope that you are doing well and keeping a smile on your face! 

Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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