Thursday, August 2, 2012

~August 2, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Well, I am happy to report that China has not killed me yet! We have only taken Chinese lessons this week! Maybe two English. But I love all the Chinese so much! They are such precious people and they really are just hungering and thirsting for God and Jesus Christ. The sad thing is there are no missionaries in China and so we must do all we can to teach them when they are here.

I had an experience with a group of about 40 or so and I was sharing with them my testimony of God and Jesus Christ and my companion was translating for me. There was a man who could just not wait for us to go and get the Book of Mormon. Well, my companion told me after the tour that after sharing my testimony that he said that he believes me. Here is a man who has been told his whole life that God is not real who felt that what I just said was the truth! The great thing was that the Holy Spirit is the one who told him that I was just merely and instrument in the Lord's hands. Also, we had a group of 15 and as we took them around I just had an overwhelming love for them and again shared my testimony. At the end 7 of them requested to learn more and 8 of them took the Book of Mormon. One lady came up to me and said "it was an honor to hear your speech (testimony) I promise you that I will read this book and find out if it is true." I was in shock!

I love this work so much and there is not other place in the world that I could teach those in China when China is not even open for missionaries. Keep up the great work and never forget that in order for things to happen we must get to work! Have a great week!

Love Always,
Sister Armstrong

Sister Armstrong also wrote: "Say hi to everyone for me! I love you all! I will have to send pictures of the parade next week because we ran out of time today! We have to run to the post office before Walmart because we are sending a Book of Mormon in Amharic (native language of Ethiopia for an investigator in WA!!). Have a great day!"

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