Tuesday, September 18, 2012

~September 18, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Well, I don't have much time this week but I do have  a miracle to share with you! So, we have this great investigator named Fred who lives in New York! Now he was raised Jewish and has now gone Catholic; yes he is an interesting character, but we still love him!
So, anyway he has been telling us that he is not going to go to church until the missionaries contact him and what not. Well, the missionaries did not contact him but then he told us that he was going to go to church anyway! We asked him what changed his mind and he said that he was just too darn curious! He is so funny!
So, we are praying that he went and that he found the missionaries! I just know with all my heart that he is going to find his answers soon! I know that he will get baptized! I just feel it! When we were setting a return appt. with him between our two schedules we won't be able to call for a week and he said, "I don't know if I can go for a whole week without talking to you two!" I feels that something has come into his life that he can't let go!
Well, I hope that you are all doing well and have a great week! Here is a scripture that I really love:

Romans 8: 24-25 - 24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? 25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Sister(s) Armstrong and Shamanga (from Africa)

Sister Shamanga and Sister Armstrong
Music and the Spoken Word

On a personal note, Sister Armstrong wrote:

So, today for pday we are going to go to this Polynesian restaurant that feeds missionaries for free! I have never been but the sisters always talk about it. But, next week we are going to the home of someone in the mission presidency and we are going to go bowling and eat Chinese food. President Seppi, is his name, and he has offered to pay for everything! So, we have gotten some money together from our zone and are also going to Walmart this week to get things to make a date basket for him and his wife to thank them for paying for our zone activity! (that may or may not have been my idea! :))

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