Tuesday, September 4, 2012

~September 4, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing this week?! I hope all is going well and life is treating you good. Well, I am dying to tell all you of the amazing miracles that have happened this week! First of all I have a new companion, her name is Sister Shamanga and she is from Zambia, Africa! That is miracle number one! I have been dying to have an African companion and now my prayers have been answered! She is awesome! She speaks a really cool Zambian language, but I am not sure what it is called. All I know is that Natasha means thank you! Okay miracle number 2: We have a new investigator named Nick!!! You won't believe how we found or should I say how he found us. So, we were leaving the North Visitor's Center (on T^2 of course) and this man is walking by and then he turned and looked at us and said " I think you two can help me." Then he proceeded to tell us that he has been to many churches and studied many religions and the more he studies the LDS faith the more it feels right to him and then he said, "What do I do now?" CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! I had to hold back my tears and excitement so I didn't scare him away! So, he had told us many times that he had not been to church yet and so finally I just asked him if he would like to go to church and he that he would love too. Then we taught him about the Holy Spirit and how that is what he is feeling right now. Then shared with him how to get a copy of the Book of Mormon because he travels a lot and so he may not be home if we mailed it to him. Then we got his info and set an appt. to call him the next day after church to see how it went. I mean how does that happen?! And I mean there is no other mission in the world that could teach someone who is always traveling and never home! Well, then we called him on Sunday and he told us about how he found out that his boss is a member of the church and they tried to go to church when their work schedule got changed on them. But, his boss took him to the YSA ward at BYU for break the fast. He LOVED it! He said that everyone was so nice and that he just could not believe it. Then we just happen to call right when he got back from break the fast and we taught him the entire restoration. He told us that it is definitely possible that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Then we invited him to be baptized once he came to know that all of this was true and he said that he looks forward to the day! So, then we invited him to be baptized on September 29th and he told us, "You know I have a lot to learn and I know it will take some time but I know that I can be ready on September 29th!!!!!!!!!!!! My companion and I were just in shock! In 24 hours he found us and then committed to be baptized in less then a month and bought himself the Book of Mormon! This is one of the biggest miracles that I have witnessed on my mission. There are many more wonderful things that have happened this week but this is the best one! Hope you all have a great week and never forget that God loves you and knows you and will always be there for you!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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