Monday, October 29, 2012

~October 29, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? I hope that everything is going well. I have an amazing miracle to share with you all! So, last Tuesday all of our appointments fell through and so we knocked doors all day. We of course knocked in areas with former investigators or less actives.

But, it was a long intense day. But, we were knocking the last door of this apartment complex and a lady answered the door and we made some small talk and what not. But, mind you have been working on my door approach because you know I don't have the Temple behind me anymore.

So, then I said to her, " Well, we are missionaries and we are sharing a message about Jesus Christ and how through Him we can be untied with our families for all eternity." As soon as a finished she said, "Would you like to come in?" I could not even respond I was so shocked!

We talked her the Plan of Salvation and left the pamphlet with her and we have taught her twice and will teach her again tomorrow. She is progressing and is excited to come to church this week. I could not believe it and still can't. She has two daughters and now wants us to teach them. I really love sharing the gospel in so many different ways. I love how God knows me so well and knew that the Temple Square mission would be the perfect place for me to share the gospel so that I could also come to Texas at the most perfect time. Everything happens for a reason. I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong


Monday, October 22, 2012

~October 22, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

Hope all of you have a had a great week! Things are going well here in Texas! I love my companions and all the people we meet! The miracle that I want to share with you is one of knocking doors :)
So, this last week we were knocking doors and it was at an apt complex and a lady answered the door and we talked a little with her and explained who we were and then I wanted to try something that I had never tried before and so I told her that we are sharing a message about Jesus Christ and how the church that He created when He was on the earth has been brought back again. I then paused and she looked at me and said "where is it?" So, I told her that we would love to share that with her and she said she would love for us to come back and so we set up an appt and then she asked if we could say a prayer with her before we left and we did and then she said you know it is good to have people pray for you especially when you are looking for that path in life!
I could not believe that happened and so we are so excited to see her tomorrow! Pray that she is there and it goes well. Know that God loves you all and is waiting for you to turn to him to receive all the blessings that he has for you. Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstorng

Monday, October 15, 2012

~October 15, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!!

How are you all doing? Well, I am in TEXAS!!!! This is a very interesting place. Because San Antonio is not what I think of when I think of Texas. But, it is a great place that needs lots of tender loving care! We have so much work to do here it is not even funny. I am in a trio which means I have two other companions and they are great! I never thought a trio could work out so well but it has! So, there are many miracles that I could share with you but I think I want to share one about a family that is not so active in the church. So, we went to see the mom (who is single parent) and there was a lot of commotion going on in the house and what not but then things became really calm and the Spirit was there. We were talking about how sometimes we just have so many trials happening in our lives and it seems as though it happens the worst when we are trying to do what is right.
We shared with her 2 Nephi 2:11:

For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.

Life has its challenges but we have to know the bad to know the good and vice versa. We have to have both sides to be able to make a choice.

Well, something that this lady was worried about was that her eldest son would never listen to what we have to say or come back to church.

Then...the miracle...he walked into the house and someone we convinced him to stay and he did and we taught him and he agreed to let us come back and teach him again! Is that a miracle or what?! I could not believe what was happening! And you would have thought that he wasn't being sincere but he truly was he told us that he has been really pondering lately if there really is a God. And he shared about how he used to go to church and he felt good there. It was amazing. There is a lot of work to be done but I know that it can be done with diligence and obedience to the Lord's commandments. Hope you all have a great week and I will type at you next week!!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

My Address for letters(only):
1441 Contour Dr. #933
San Antonio, TX 78212

Packages should be sent to:
Texas San Antonio Mission
404 E Ramsey Rd. Ste. 105
San Antonio, TX 78216-4665

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

~Arrival in Texas San Antonio Mission~

Dear Missionary Families,

We are happy to inform you that your son or daughter has safely arrived in the Texas San Antonio Mission!  President Jones and I and our assistants greeted them at the airport at about 2:45 this afternoon. The plane from Salt Lake City was delayed, so we were anxiously awaiting their arrival.  They arrived with smiles on their faces, happy to be here.  What a great group of missionaries!

After collecting their luggage, we made our way back to the mission home where we had lunch, individual interviews with President Jones and some orientation. Then they were off to the Alamo where they learned a little history and had the opportunity to talk to people and give away copies of the Book of Mormon. They did a great job with their first true missionary experience in Texas! We welcomed them back to the mission home where we had dinner and enjoyed spending the evening getting to know one another. The Elders then left for the assistants apartment and the sisters stayed at the mission home their first night in the mission field.

Tomorrow morning we will have an orientation and transfer meeting where your sons and daughters will meet their new companions and head out to their first areas. You should expect an email from them on Monday which is their preparation day. We are so happy and excited to have the opportunity to serve with these fine young men and women. Thank you for sending such well prepared and wonderful missionaries!


President and Sister Jones

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

~October 9, 2012~

Sister Elizabeth Armstrong's new mission address for three months:

Texas San Antonio Mission
404 E Ramsey Rd. Ste. 105
San Antonio, TX 78216-4665

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing this week?! Well, I have some crazy news for all of you! So, here on Temple Square almost every sister will get the opportunity to go to another State and spend about 3 months in a different proselyting area. Well, I have been transferred to San Antonio, Texas for 3 months!!
I am a little nervous but I think that it will be great. So, if you send a letter to Temple Square they will forward it to me while I am gone but I will post my new address as soon as I get it.
So, now for the miracles! Well, of course this week was General Conference!!! Where we listen to the modern day living Prophet and Apostles and other leaders of the church speak to us! Now, last conference we received many member referrals and it was crazy busy and what not. Well, this time we had a new focus for conference.

Our focus was to find those referrals that are truly prepared to receive the restored gospel and as a mission we set a goal to have 415 people enter the waters of baptism by the time the next conference comes! So, as a mission we received 2901 member referrals but the best part was is that we were challenged to uplift the members that came and invite them to come closer to Jesus Christ and in total we invited 8300 members and helped them feel the love of God! That is incredible!

We met so many great people and really worked hard to do and say what Christ would. It was an exhausted 3 days but we made it and I feel so much better about how we did our work this conference because we did what Christ would do.
Well, I hope that you are all doing well and that you are seeing many miracles in your lives. I love you all and will share all about Texas next week!!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

~October 2, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How was your week? I hope it was a good one because life is good, especially when it is sunny out! Well, a miracle this week just happened yesterday! A man named George called in and was telling me how he was baptized three years ago but because of his family, who are strong Catholics, he eventually left the church. He told me how they stopped talking to him and that it was really hard. Well, the amazing thing was that out of all the people here I was the one who got to talk with him and we had very similar stories and so he really wants to come back to church. He wants to have happiness in his life again.

He recognized that he was happiest with the gospel of Jesus Christ in his life. So, we get to call him and teach him more and help him get back to church. Then do you remember Nick?! The miracle that came to the square and was ready to meet with missionaries right away?! Well, We have not been able to reach him for two weeks and we were so worried that we would not be able to talk with him again!
Well, I felt like I should try and call again two days ago and he answered the phone!!! He was in Canada for work and his phone stopped working there! So, he is actually working for the Mitt Romney campaign and so once elections are over he is going to have more time to devote to church and what not. But, the miracle is that he is still alive, he is still reading the Book of Mormon and he still wants to learn more!

Well, I hope you all have a great week and that you will keep smiling!


Sister Armstrong