Wednesday, October 10, 2012

~Arrival in Texas San Antonio Mission~

Dear Missionary Families,

We are happy to inform you that your son or daughter has safely arrived in the Texas San Antonio Mission!  President Jones and I and our assistants greeted them at the airport at about 2:45 this afternoon. The plane from Salt Lake City was delayed, so we were anxiously awaiting their arrival.  They arrived with smiles on their faces, happy to be here.  What a great group of missionaries!

After collecting their luggage, we made our way back to the mission home where we had lunch, individual interviews with President Jones and some orientation. Then they were off to the Alamo where they learned a little history and had the opportunity to talk to people and give away copies of the Book of Mormon. They did a great job with their first true missionary experience in Texas! We welcomed them back to the mission home where we had dinner and enjoyed spending the evening getting to know one another. The Elders then left for the assistants apartment and the sisters stayed at the mission home their first night in the mission field.

Tomorrow morning we will have an orientation and transfer meeting where your sons and daughters will meet their new companions and head out to their first areas. You should expect an email from them on Monday which is their preparation day. We are so happy and excited to have the opportunity to serve with these fine young men and women. Thank you for sending such well prepared and wonderful missionaries!


President and Sister Jones

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