Tuesday, October 2, 2012

~October 2, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How was your week? I hope it was a good one because life is good, especially when it is sunny out! Well, a miracle this week just happened yesterday! A man named George called in and was telling me how he was baptized three years ago but because of his family, who are strong Catholics, he eventually left the church. He told me how they stopped talking to him and that it was really hard. Well, the amazing thing was that out of all the people here I was the one who got to talk with him and we had very similar stories and so he really wants to come back to church. He wants to have happiness in his life again.

He recognized that he was happiest with the gospel of Jesus Christ in his life. So, we get to call him and teach him more and help him get back to church. Then do you remember Nick?! The miracle that came to the square and was ready to meet with missionaries right away?! Well, We have not been able to reach him for two weeks and we were so worried that we would not be able to talk with him again!
Well, I felt like I should try and call again two days ago and he answered the phone!!! He was in Canada for work and his phone stopped working there! So, he is actually working for the Mitt Romney campaign and so once elections are over he is going to have more time to devote to church and what not. But, the miracle is that he is still alive, he is still reading the Book of Mormon and he still wants to learn more!

Well, I hope you all have a great week and that you will keep smiling!


Sister Armstrong

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