Tuesday, October 9, 2012

~October 9, 2012~

Sister Elizabeth Armstrong's new mission address for three months:

Texas San Antonio Mission
404 E Ramsey Rd. Ste. 105
San Antonio, TX 78216-4665

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing this week?! Well, I have some crazy news for all of you! So, here on Temple Square almost every sister will get the opportunity to go to another State and spend about 3 months in a different proselyting area. Well, I have been transferred to San Antonio, Texas for 3 months!!
I am a little nervous but I think that it will be great. So, if you send a letter to Temple Square they will forward it to me while I am gone but I will post my new address as soon as I get it.
So, now for the miracles! Well, of course this week was General Conference!!! Where we listen to the modern day living Prophet and Apostles and other leaders of the church speak to us! Now, last conference we received many member referrals and it was crazy busy and what not. Well, this time we had a new focus for conference.

Our focus was to find those referrals that are truly prepared to receive the restored gospel and as a mission we set a goal to have 415 people enter the waters of baptism by the time the next conference comes! So, as a mission we received 2901 member referrals but the best part was is that we were challenged to uplift the members that came and invite them to come closer to Jesus Christ and in total we invited 8300 members and helped them feel the love of God! That is incredible!

We met so many great people and really worked hard to do and say what Christ would. It was an exhausted 3 days but we made it and I feel so much better about how we did our work this conference because we did what Christ would do.
Well, I hope that you are all doing well and that you are seeing many miracles in your lives. I love you all and will share all about Texas next week!!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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