Sunday, December 2, 2012

~Visit with Sis. Palmer~

Mike and I, Shamberly and Brandon had the opportunity to go to dinner with dear friends, the Hasemann's (John and Kahli, Kellan and Kenna) who live a mile away from us tonight. Sis. Armstrong babysat Kellan since he was a baby (now age 7).

Kahli and John had invited the sister missionaries and Sis. Palmer had served in the MTC with Sis. Armstrong and Temple Square. This dear, sweet young sister is from Utah and her companion is from Tonga.

We had delicious spaghetti, garlic bread, ceasar salad and homemade peanut butter pie. Sis. Palmer returns to Temple Square just like Sis. Armstrong in January and they both return home the end of March!

Here are some pictures that we sent Sis. Armstrong today :-)


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