Wednesday, February 27, 2013

~Pictures of Sister Armstrong~

Sister Brickley and I together again (we are in the same zone this transfer!)

Sister Anderson and I! (We were both trained by Sister Astorga!)

My companion (Sis. Steenblik) and I going crazy in the Teaching Center!

Sister Wettingfeld and I! (She knows one of my outbound
companions) I love her!

~February 27, 2013~

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you all had a great week! This has been a great week on Temple Square! I know I say that all the time but it really is true!

We have been running around like crazy people! We are trying to get a hold of Imade, our investigator who is supposed to get baptized on March 9th! We will pray and hope that we can get a hold of him and that he went to church!
But, we had a great lesson with Fred (he got baptized on Jan 6th) and he is doing well. Fred has adopted us as his daughters and is not very happy that we will be leaving but we reassured him that we will be friends forever. But, the great miracle that I wanted to share happened on Friday night.
So, my companion and I were on exchanges with another companionship and well the sister that I was with was great! We took a lesson with some Elders and their investigators and then we were walking around the square looking for people to teach. We then walked by the Temple Model (if you have not been to Temple Square to see it, you should!) and I saw a man looking so intently at it, so we walked up and talked to him. As we started talking we found out that he was a member of the church who is seriously struggling with a lot of things. He just told us his whole life story (that happens all the time). He was really in need of help and was so sad. So, we shared a scripture and talked some more and I offered to send him text messages with scripture to read and his face lit up! He was so excited that there was someone to help him. So, needless to say as we parted ways that night his countenance was so much brighter then when we first started talking to him.
I know that this church is true and that God really does speak to man. We have a living Prophet on the earth to lead and guide in the right direction.

I know that God listens to and answers our prayers and always will as long as we are willing to do the talking. I hope you all have a great week and keep smiling!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

~February 20, 2013~

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you all had a great week! Well, of course this was another great week on Temple Square full of ups and downs and all arounds! The first week of the transfer is always a little crazy around here, but we are all getting in the swing of things.
I wanted to tell you about a few miracles....So, I was talking with my old companion Sister Brickley (who just got back from being outbound in Reno) and she was catching me up on all the things that happened while I was gone. So, she told me about a man named Ellis that we were teaching together and he finally got baptized! I was so excited to hear that! His wife has not yet been baptized but he is and is so happy! He had two different baptism dates when we taught him together.
Then I don't know if I shared this miracle but also when I was with Sister Brickley we met a man on the square who's name is Abakar. He is from Saudi Arabia and the day we met him was his first week here. He came to the square just doing some site seeing and when I saw him I just felt so compelled to talk with him. So I did and found out that he had no idea who Jesus Christ was. So, we walked over to the New Testament paintings (in the North Visitor Center) and we started teaching him about Christ and who He is and all about His life. As we got to the painting of the crucifixion Abakar looked at me with the most sincere face and said, "they killed him?" and I said yes and then he pointed at the painting and with an even more sincere face he said, "Who did it?! Which one of them did it?!" He had already begun to love the Savior after hearing about His life for only 15 min.
So, of course he referred for missionaries and then we tried to call but could never get him on the phone. But, we would see him periodically on the square. Well, the first transfer I was in Texas apparently he came to the square looking for Sister Brickley and I to tell us that he had gotten baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How amazing is that?! The day that we taught him about Christ he found the Elders and they started teaching him too.
The church is so true. I can't even put it into words how true it is. It is something that can't really be put into words. It is something that you have to feel in your heart and then you know. I hope you all have a great week and know that your Heavenly Father loves you and is always aware of you! Don't ever give up on Him or yourselves! Love you all and have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

~February 13, 2013~

Hello Everyone!!!

How was your week?! I hope it was great! Of course it was another great week on Temple Square! We had our transfers today and I am staying with my wonderful companion!!! We were companions in the MTC and are going to be companions now the last two transfers of our missions! Crazy stuff! So, in my own words "we started our missions together and will end our missions together" not many people can say that!

Well, anyway for the miracles of the week! Well, we have been teaching many great people and found two new investigators this week. Unfortunately one of them is not really sure what he wants. I think that he knows the church is true but that he is just confusing himself with all the other stuff from the world. But, we will pray for him and hope that he calls us again. Also, yesterday we met a girl named Katie from Scotland who is 16 years old and she already went to church by herself! She wants to learn more and so we told her we needed to talk with her parents and so we called today but no answer. Hopefully we will get a hold of them and they will let her learn from us! She told us they said they don't really care but of course we have to hear them say it.

Also, we took a wonderful couple around Temple Square and got to teach them so much! They were so grateful and love the church. They weren't sure about learning more but they wanted to make a donation to the church! We don't really do that so we told them that they could send in their comments and what not. So, anyway it is amazing how the Lord keeps blessing us with so many miracles! I know that as we do all that we can, we can and will find all those that God wants us to find.

I really love being a missionary! Have a great week and keep smiling!

Love Always,
Sister Armstrong

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

~February 6, 2013~

Hello Everyone!!!

This week has been amazing! We, of course, have had many miracles! Miracle number one is that Imade (investigator from Nigeria living in NY) committed to be baptized on March 9, 2013!!!!! Yay!!!!
Then the next day we found a new investigator named Liam that lives in Wales!!! He is amazing! He came on and said that he wants to be a member of the first I was skeptical as to if he was sincere and then we talked a little more and he said that we could call him and we did and he was legit! He is ready to be baptized when he knows it is true. He told us to call him the next day and we did and had a great lesson with him and we will call again tomorrow! He is so prepared! I can't believe how prepared he is!!!!
Well the church is most definitely true! I am so grateful for the Spirit and the ability to be a missionary it has truly changed me. I hope you all have a great week and keep smiling because life is good....if you may think that life is a little bah hum bug right now just think of the positive and you will soon be smiling! Love you all!!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong