Wednesday, February 6, 2013

~February 6, 2013~

Hello Everyone!!!

This week has been amazing! We, of course, have had many miracles! Miracle number one is that Imade (investigator from Nigeria living in NY) committed to be baptized on March 9, 2013!!!!! Yay!!!!
Then the next day we found a new investigator named Liam that lives in Wales!!! He is amazing! He came on and said that he wants to be a member of the first I was skeptical as to if he was sincere and then we talked a little more and he said that we could call him and we did and he was legit! He is ready to be baptized when he knows it is true. He told us to call him the next day and we did and had a great lesson with him and we will call again tomorrow! He is so prepared! I can't believe how prepared he is!!!!
Well the church is most definitely true! I am so grateful for the Spirit and the ability to be a missionary it has truly changed me. I hope you all have a great week and keep smiling because life is good....if you may think that life is a little bah hum bug right now just think of the positive and you will soon be smiling! Love you all!!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong


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