Wednesday, February 20, 2013

~February 20, 2013~

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you all had a great week! Well, of course this was another great week on Temple Square full of ups and downs and all arounds! The first week of the transfer is always a little crazy around here, but we are all getting in the swing of things.
I wanted to tell you about a few miracles....So, I was talking with my old companion Sister Brickley (who just got back from being outbound in Reno) and she was catching me up on all the things that happened while I was gone. So, she told me about a man named Ellis that we were teaching together and he finally got baptized! I was so excited to hear that! His wife has not yet been baptized but he is and is so happy! He had two different baptism dates when we taught him together.
Then I don't know if I shared this miracle but also when I was with Sister Brickley we met a man on the square who's name is Abakar. He is from Saudi Arabia and the day we met him was his first week here. He came to the square just doing some site seeing and when I saw him I just felt so compelled to talk with him. So I did and found out that he had no idea who Jesus Christ was. So, we walked over to the New Testament paintings (in the North Visitor Center) and we started teaching him about Christ and who He is and all about His life. As we got to the painting of the crucifixion Abakar looked at me with the most sincere face and said, "they killed him?" and I said yes and then he pointed at the painting and with an even more sincere face he said, "Who did it?! Which one of them did it?!" He had already begun to love the Savior after hearing about His life for only 15 min.
So, of course he referred for missionaries and then we tried to call but could never get him on the phone. But, we would see him periodically on the square. Well, the first transfer I was in Texas apparently he came to the square looking for Sister Brickley and I to tell us that he had gotten baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How amazing is that?! The day that we taught him about Christ he found the Elders and they started teaching him too.
The church is so true. I can't even put it into words how true it is. It is something that can't really be put into words. It is something that you have to feel in your heart and then you know. I hope you all have a great week and know that your Heavenly Father loves you and is always aware of you! Don't ever give up on Him or yourselves! Love you all and have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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