Wednesday, February 13, 2013

~February 13, 2013~

Hello Everyone!!!

How was your week?! I hope it was great! Of course it was another great week on Temple Square! We had our transfers today and I am staying with my wonderful companion!!! We were companions in the MTC and are going to be companions now the last two transfers of our missions! Crazy stuff! So, in my own words "we started our missions together and will end our missions together" not many people can say that!

Well, anyway for the miracles of the week! Well, we have been teaching many great people and found two new investigators this week. Unfortunately one of them is not really sure what he wants. I think that he knows the church is true but that he is just confusing himself with all the other stuff from the world. But, we will pray for him and hope that he calls us again. Also, yesterday we met a girl named Katie from Scotland who is 16 years old and she already went to church by herself! She wants to learn more and so we told her we needed to talk with her parents and so we called today but no answer. Hopefully we will get a hold of them and they will let her learn from us! She told us they said they don't really care but of course we have to hear them say it.

Also, we took a wonderful couple around Temple Square and got to teach them so much! They were so grateful and love the church. They weren't sure about learning more but they wanted to make a donation to the church! We don't really do that so we told them that they could send in their comments and what not. So, anyway it is amazing how the Lord keeps blessing us with so many miracles! I know that as we do all that we can, we can and will find all those that God wants us to find.

I really love being a missionary! Have a great week and keep smiling!

Love Always,
Sister Armstrong

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