Wednesday, February 27, 2013

~February 27, 2013~

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you all had a great week! This has been a great week on Temple Square! I know I say that all the time but it really is true!

We have been running around like crazy people! We are trying to get a hold of Imade, our investigator who is supposed to get baptized on March 9th! We will pray and hope that we can get a hold of him and that he went to church!
But, we had a great lesson with Fred (he got baptized on Jan 6th) and he is doing well. Fred has adopted us as his daughters and is not very happy that we will be leaving but we reassured him that we will be friends forever. But, the great miracle that I wanted to share happened on Friday night.
So, my companion and I were on exchanges with another companionship and well the sister that I was with was great! We took a lesson with some Elders and their investigators and then we were walking around the square looking for people to teach. We then walked by the Temple Model (if you have not been to Temple Square to see it, you should!) and I saw a man looking so intently at it, so we walked up and talked to him. As we started talking we found out that he was a member of the church who is seriously struggling with a lot of things. He just told us his whole life story (that happens all the time). He was really in need of help and was so sad. So, we shared a scripture and talked some more and I offered to send him text messages with scripture to read and his face lit up! He was so excited that there was someone to help him. So, needless to say as we parted ways that night his countenance was so much brighter then when we first started talking to him.
I know that this church is true and that God really does speak to man. We have a living Prophet on the earth to lead and guide in the right direction.

I know that God listens to and answers our prayers and always will as long as we are willing to do the talking. I hope you all have a great week and keep smiling!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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