Friday, December 2, 2011

~Friends Visiting SLC Temple Square at Thanksgiving~


Here is what Elizabeth emailed us that the sister missionaries from Temple Square did to celebrate Thanksgiving together... (We were so curious as the sisters do not have ward families to invite then over to have a homecooked dinner)

So, for Thanksgiving we worked on the square until 12:30 pm and then we got to change into our jeans and we all got on a bus and went to this place called Noah's here in Utah. Then they played Disney movies and had volleyball and Karaoke and dancing. Then at around 4:30 pm we had Thanksgiving dinner that was catered from this place called Apple Spice. It was so good.

This was the first year that they let us dance but this is President and Sister Holmes' last Thanksgiving so they wanted to make it fun. Also, it is really busy here now that the lights have come on.

I am pretty sure the first night there was at least 20,000 people on the square!!! The second night was even worse!!! The first night was this last Friday and Kinsey was here with her family. She is the one that you have only met once and she went on a mission to San Diego and I hung out with her 18 year old sister.

So, they looked for me for two hours and finally at the last minute before everything was closing they found me. It was so fun to see them. They took a picture so you might see it on Facebook soon. I am sure I look really horrible cause we had been going for a long time and so I was so tired. But, it is really weird that I am always so tired but am always so happy. Of course you know that I love the mass amounts of people that are here in the evening because I love people and it reminds me of working at Disney World.

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